Painting on Location with QoR Modern Watercolors

When first painting with your watercolors outside, there are a few things you will definitely need, and other items that can ease your way: paint, a mixing surface or palette, water and water container, a brush, and watercolor paper on a support of some kind are the minimum things you

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Tubes representing the average volume of oil vs pigment.

Volume, Weight, and Pigment to Oil Ratios

Oil painters concerned with fat over lean will often turn to information about the oil absorption values for particular pigments as a way to compare how oily or lean certain colors might be. However this has led to many misconceptions and outrightly wrong conclusions which seem to persist in various forums

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Selecting Equipment for Spraying Varnish

Large paintings present an increased difficulty level when it comes time to apply an “isolation coat” or a varnish layer. Spraying in lieu of brushing makes sense when a smooth, defect-free surface is desired.  After all, there are reasons vehicles are spray painted instead of using a brush!  While one

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Adhesion test Products

Painting on Dibond

Dibond is a trade name for a type of painted aluminum composite panel made by Alcan Composites. There are other brands and types of Aluminum Composite Panels that may have a bare aluminum side or different types of coatings, which may require different surface preparation. Dibond panels are made with

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Mit Acrylfarben einen Enkaustikeffekt erzielen

Any Jedes matte oder seidenglänzende Medium kann für ein wachsartiges Erscheinungsbild sorgen. Die spezifische Art des Auftrags kann diesen Effekt auch verstärken oder verringern. Dabei kann es hilfreich sein, Tests mit verschiedenen Medien oder Gels an Probestücken durchzuführen, bis Sie ein Gefühl für die Medien oder Gels sowie für die

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EU Decides Not to Ban Cadmium Pigments in Artist Paints

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recently published its final decision that Cadmium pigments will not be restricted in artist paints. You can read the entire document here: In two previous issues of Just Paint we shared information concerning the possibility of Cadmium pigments being banned in artist paints. Just

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Neutral Gray Number 9

If comparing GOLDEN’s Neutral Gray series to the Munsell® Grey Scale that they are based on, you might quickly realize that one step is missing – namely N9, the Munsell® gray that is one step below pure white. And clearly the natural question is why? When the Neutral Grays were

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Preparing Panels for a Life Outdoors

Most painters have a sense of how to prepare panels for oil and acrylic paintings when they are meant to be shown indoors, and we even published a couple of Just Paint articles on the topic: Understanding Wood Supports for Art – A Brief History Plywood as a Substrate for

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From Mark Golden

We’ve just passed several milestones here at GOLDEN. In June we celebrated our 35th year in business and Barbara and I, our 40th wedding anniversary. Both events began on my folks’ farm and the home of Golden Artist Colors. This year also marks some wonderful beginnings. QoR® Watercolor has had

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