Defining the Acrylic Patina

The acrylic medium for artists has now passed its 60th year since the first artists experimented and created with Bocour’s Magna®. I have been imagining and conjecturing with others for some time now what these materials might look like one hundred, five hundred or a thousand years from now. A significant body of evidence is … Weiterlesen

Choosing Brushes for Use with OPEN Acrylics

QUESTION: What brushes are best suited for use with GOLDEN OPEN? ANSWER: As with any artist material or technique, it is results that count, and brushes are no exception to the rule.  Indeed, which brush you choose can play a critical role in allowing these revolutionary paints to achieve their greatest potential. When compared to … Weiterlesen

From Formulation to Finished Product: Causes and Potential Cures for Conservation Concerns in Acrylic Dispersion Paints

From time to time – I know you may be surprised to hear this – we’ve been accused of being just slightly too technical in our Just Paint. In an effort to be accurate we have sacrificed some potential readership. Others have simply shared with us that they’ve been able to replace their sleeping aids … Weiterlesen

Aspects of Longevity of Oil and Acrylic Artist Paints

    Professor Frank N. Jones Coatings Research Institute Eastern Michigan University This article will compare acrylic and oil artist paints from the point of view of a scientist who specializes in coatings. It is not meant to be the “end-all” source on the topic. However, it is meant to make the reader more informed … Weiterlesen

Conservation of Acrylic Paintings

Working with the conservation community we undertook research in conservation issues of acrylic paints and paintings, desiring a formal understanding of something most acrylic painters might take for granted: That if an acrylic painting gets dirty, it can simply be washed off with a damp rag. Just to be clear, we are not currently recommending … Weiterlesen

(No) Repair and Restoration Advice

When I first started working for GOLDEN, training to become a Materials and Application Specialist, I was told that I should never give restoration advice. Coming from a painting conservation background I understood the concern and the reason behind it. GOLDEN as a company would put itself in a vulnerable position if we were to … Weiterlesen

A Paint Line With The Muralist in Mind

EDITOR’S NOTE (4/26/23): Please note that Polymer Varnish has been discontinued and replaced with Gloss Waterborne Varnish. You can read more about it here. Still Relevant by Ed Trask (@edtrask) courtesy of the Virginia Museum of History & Culture, Richmond, VA. Introducing Golden Paintworks Mural Paints  Our Art Materials Specialists receive and answer over 10,000 questions a … Weiterlesen
