Cotton Fabrics (Wearables) Cotton fabrics are a common surface for painted wearables. In order to avoid any unforeseen issues, it is recommended the shirt be laundered to remove any sizing or chemicals from manufacturing. We do not recommend oil, watercolor, or drawing media on wearable fabrics. Acrylics do not require any sizing or grounds and … Weiterlesen
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Brent DeLanoy

Fiberglass Fiberglass consists of finely spun fibers cast into epoxy, resin, vinyl ester, or thermoplastics. It is a popular material in building and industrial applications for its strength. Before painting, lightly sand (abrade) and degrease. With Acrylics or Oils, paint directly on the surface or prepare with desired ground. With Watercolors and Dry Drawing Medias, we … Weiterlesen

Glass Glass is available in many forms and finishes and varies in texture, from slick window panes to cast glass with a texture similar to stone. We always recommend cleaning and testing as a first step.Generally, Oils can be painted directly onto glass.For Acrylics, mix 3 parts GAC200 and 1 part GAC500 and add the mixture … Weiterlesen
This chart provides information on pigments used in Golden Acrylics. Pigment density is one of many factors affecting the behavior of acrylic paints within color pours. Generally, heavier pigments will have a tendency to sink and lighter pigments could rise to the surface. To see a larger image, click here to download the chart as a PDF. … Weiterlesen
Unpolished Stone Natural Stone is available in many forms and finishes, with porous ones providing the best adhesion. Before using, always make sure the stone is thoroughly cleaned. It is generally fine to draw or paint directly on clean stones with acrylics, oils, and watercolors. If less absorbency is desired, apply a commercial masonry primer … Weiterlesen