The Process of Alkali Refining Linseed Oil

  Linseed oil comes from flax seeds which are harvested from the same flax plant that produces the fibers used to make linen. Artists have been using linseed oil for centuries to make paints, mediums and varnishes. It is widely used today, not only in artist materials, but also for a wide range of industrial applications … Weiterlesen

Oil Paint, Tape, and Some Very Curious Results

An assortment of masking and low-tack painter's tapes.

Painter’s tapes are ubiquitous, ranging from traditional masking tapes to newer yellow, blue, and green ones that tout different levels of tack and easy release, or highlight new technologies to tightly lock down an edge. For many of us, they have also become part of the common materials found in our studios. And what’s not … Weiterlesen

Zinc Oxide – Reviewing the Research

Featured Image for Zinc Oxide Reviewing the Research

Introduction This article is a companion piece to Zinc Oxide – Warnings Cautions and Best Practices, published in our print newsletter, Just Paint, Issue 35, as well as our FAQs Concerning Zinc Oxide (PW 4) in Oil Paints From the start zinc oxide has lived a double life – at turns celebrated and shunned, loathed and loved. On … Weiterlesen

Made In Paint 2017

The Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts is delighted to showcase the works of its 2016 Artists in Residence. The fifth Made in Paint show exhibits the works of Caitlin Albritton, FL, Ella Amitay Sadovsky, Israel, Miriam Ancis, NY, Lorene Anderson, CA, Mel Dion, PA, Martin Dull, NJ, Franklin Einspruch, MA, Mark Flowers, NC, … Weiterlesen

Schichtauftrag und Mischen mit irisierenden und Interferenz-Acrylfarben

Wir alle kennen irisierende und Interferenzeffekte von Seifenblasen, Öllachen, Blütenblättern, Vogelfedern und mehr. Sie kommen in der Natur ziemlich häufig vor. Dass sie in der Kunst etwas weniger oft zu finden sind, könnte einfach daran liegen, dass sie für die meisten immer noch neue und unerforschte Möglichkeiten sind, obwohl sie mittlerweile seit vielen Jahrzehnten auch … Weiterlesen

Mit Acrylfarben auf Leder malen

    Lederfabrikanten malen schon lange mit Acrylfarben auf Leder, so dass es keine Überraschung ist, dass Golden Artist Colors Acrylglas auch zum Malen von Leder verwendet werden kann. Welche Farblinie zu verwenden ist und ob ein Zusatz erforderlich ist, hängt von der Lederart und der Art der Vorbehandlung ab. Um festzustellen, welches Verfahren für … Weiterlesen

Williamsburg’s Safflower Colors

The evidence was undeniable as our eyes swung slowly across the drawdowns that spread out before us. The handful of initial colors ground in every possible combination of oil all pointed to a similar conclusion: there was something here that simply could not be ignored. The clarity of the colors was exceptional and in some … Weiterlesen


By Mark Golden Whether painting in oils, acrylics or other traditional or non-traditional painting media, the quality and physical make-up of the support and its preparation is a critical determinant of the final outcome of a work of art. The support not only sets up the working properties of the chosen media but it also … Weiterlesen
