When first painting with your watercolors outside, there are a few things you will definitely need, and other items that can ease your way: paint, a mixing surface or palette, water and water container, a brush, and watercolor paper on a support of some kind are the minimum things you need. Picnic tables, benches, boulders, … Weiterlesen
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Introduction In the last issue of Just Paint we discussed why some QoR Watercolors had a Lightfastness rating of NA, or Not Applicable, while most carried the familiar ASTM Lightfastness ratings of I and II. Essentially this came about because some of the pigments being used at that point were not currently rated by the … Weiterlesen
Watercolorists are particularly sensitive to issues of lightfastness, and for good reason. Even when framed behind glass, watercolors are still vulnerable to fading because the pigments are very exposed to UV radiation and often used in dilute and delicate washes. Since launching QoR we have received many questions on why some of our colors have … Weiterlesen

A tube of paint is opened, pressure is applied, material comes out and it just works. It is this consistent function of a product that allows artists to focus on larger issues such as what to paint and how to achieve it. As both an artist and a Formulator, I am still amazed every time … Weiterlesen
Watercolor paper is an active part in the creation of a painting, for watercolor artists paint with their paper rather than simply upon it. For this reason, which watercolor paper an artist selects influences both the painting process and the finished painting. Paper choice can be as personal as color palette and subject, and it … Weiterlesen

Dow® Chemical patentierte erstmals 1977 unser neues Aquarellbindemittel für QoR, (Poly(2-ethyl-w-oxazolin). Es ist heute eher als Aquazol® bekannt, da es an einen anderen Hersteller lizenziert wurde. Zu seinen zahlreichen einzigartigen Eigenschaften gehörte seine Löslichkeit in einer Vielzahl von Lösungsmitteln einschließlich Wasser. Seine Eigenschaften für die Verwendung als Klebstoff wurden erstmals 1986 von Thomas Chiu, et … Weiterlesen

The recent introduction of QoR®, our new and original take on watercolors, gave us the opportunity to broaden the range of techniques and applications possible with a companion line of Mediums and Grounds. QoR Grounds greatly expand the breadth of surfaces that can accept watercolor paint and provide the freedom to create original surfaces by … Weiterlesen