SoFlat Matte Acrylfarben – Warum sie matter sind

Im Laufe der Jahre haben wir ein zunehmendes Interesse an matten Farben festgestellt, insbesondere an solchen, die dünn genug sind, um ein glattes Finish, ohne Pinselstriche, zu erzeugen. In der Vergangenheit hatten wir zwar schon einige matte Farben im Angebot, aber keine von ihnen entsprach wirklich den Leistungseigenschaften, die von

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SoFlat is So Flat!

Editor’s Note: Added April 26, 2022 For some time, our recommendation for artists using oils over acrylic has been to work over harder, matte acrylic surfaces and avoid working on softer gels and gloss products. Our intention was to optimize the level of adhesion that would be achieved on a

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In kalten Temperaturen malen

Im Winter können wir in Situationen geraten, in denen unsere Ateliers nicht beheizt sind, wir eine Wandmalerei fertigstellen, Firnisse im Freien aufsprühen oder sogar Plein Air malen wollen. Aber wann ist es zu kalt zum Malen? Die kurze Antwort zuerst… Die Antwort hängt weitgehend vom Malmedium ab. Für Acrylfarben auf

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Thank You to You, Our Customers

Let us first say, we hope that you, your families and your communities are staying healthy and safe. Like all of you, we have had to maneuver around the impacts of this pandemic and the unprecedented resulting effects over the last several months. We truly appreciate your continued support during

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Acrylics on Non-Porous Substrates

With the advent of new composite materials, artists today are able to take advantage of lightweight, dimensionally stable supports that offer a smoothness unattainable through traditional surface preparation. These “modern” substrates require little to no preparation, come in a variety of thicknesses and can range from transparent and glossy to matte

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Painting on Ceramics with Acrylics

  We often get asked “What is the best way to paint on ceramics with acrylic paint?”. The question is usually geared toward painting unglazed pottery, but also sometimes glazed ceramics. We do not recommend our products be used on anything that will touch food, hold liquid or go into

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Estimating Paint Amounts for a Mural

Introduction The creation of a mural should begin long before ladders, scaffolding, and cherry-pickers are on site. Although we have amassed extensive information about mural painting, the conversation about how to go about estimating products could use some expansion. When preparing to paint a mural, the creation of a maquette

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Die subtielen Unterschiede zwischen den Williamsburg Weißfarben

Es wird angenommen, dass Weiß bis zu 20 % eines typischen Gemäldes ausmacht. Seine Bedeutung kann nicht übersehen werden, denn es wird als Grundierung, zum Aufhellen oder Auffrischen dunklerer Farben verwendet, oder um Farben opaker zu machen. Es ist nicht nur eine entscheidende Komponente für die Farbgebung, sondern auch für

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QoR Permanent Scarlet Discontinued

5/26/21 Update: Following the publication of this article, a new supply of PR168 was secured and QoR Permanent Scarlet is available to order again. We are sad to announce that after October 31, 2020 we will no longer be able to offer QoR Permanent Scarlet watercolor, as the PR 168

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