From Mark Golden

Twenty-six issues of this technical newsletter and I am delighted to share we are still continuing the dialogue on color! After the success of Sarah Sands’ article on the ‘Subtleties of Color’ (JP 21), we recognized the value of continuing to provide more color resources for artists. The Tint & Glaze Poster was the first … Weiterlesen

Weighing In on the Drying of Oils

EDITOR’S NOTE (6/6/23): Please note the statement saying “…the sample ended up doing no better than our standard Williamsburg Titanium White, which contains no drier whatsoever,” was true at the time of publishing, but in 2012, a formula change occurred so the statement needs to be edited for accuracy. Therefore, the statement should now read … Weiterlesen

What’s Your Favorite Color?

With thousands of hours of paint research all on one page and almost one thousand swatches of color, it’s now easier than ever to see the full range of GOLDEN colors. Having comparative information for each one as they transform through tint and glaze mixing on a 26″ tall by 39″ wide poster, makes this … Weiterlesen

Make a Mark

Updated February 17, 2023 to ensure product accessibility accuracy. Make a mark, erase it? Can you? Is it permanent? Will it remain with stubborn pride? Will it all wipe away except for a stain that tells of its past? Will it disappear as if it had never been there? Was it ever there? Will it … Weiterlesen

Photography and the Role of GOLDEN Digital Grounds

Tim O'Neil

By Michael Townsend Over the last few years we at Golden Artist Colors have been hearing from more and more photographers who are experimenting with fine art materials. Through our conversations we began to learn about some new trends in photography. We were fortunate that three professional artists, that we have been working with, were … Weiterlesen
