Um eine glatte, gesättigte Farbe aufzutragen, die zu einer gleichmäßigen, glanzfreien Oberfläche trocknet, benötigen Sie eine Farbe, die mehr als nur matt ist. Sie sollte eine bessere Deckkraft und mehr Verlaufseigenschaften haben. Diese Kombination von Eigenschaften macht SoFlat einzigartig.
· Ausgeprägte Palette von 40 Farben, erhältlich
in 2, 4 und 16 Unzen Behältern
· Zwei Farbsets mit sechs Farben in jeweils
2 Unzen erhältlich
· Glatte, zähflüssige Konsistenz
· Die meisten Farben sind in einem oder zwei
Anstrichen deckend
· 100% Acrylfarbe und kompatibel mit anderen
GOLDEN Farben und Medien
SoFlat wurde von GOLDEN entwickelt und hat die Qualität und Beständigkeit, die Profis verlangen. SoFlat wurde entwickelt, um es für Künstler einfacher zu machen, gleichmäßige Felder mit satten, matten Farben zu erstellen und das in weniger Schichten als mit unseren anderen Farbserien. SoFlat-Kunstwerke sind leichter zu fotografieren und sehen online fantastisch aus.

Pale Yellow
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PY53
Chemical Description: Nickel Antimony Titanate

Cadmium Primrose
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PY35
Chemical Description: Concentrated Cadmium Zinc Sulfide

Vanadate Yellow
Bismuth Vanadate Yellow
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PY184
Chemical Description: Bismuth Vanadate

Permanent Yellow
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PY74, PY53
Chemical Description: Arylide Yellow 5GX, Nickel Antimony Titanate

Yellow Medium
Cadmium Yellow Medium
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PY35
Chemical Description: Concentrated Cadmium Zinc Sulfide

Yellow Deep
Permanent Yellow Deep
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PY83(HR70)
Chemical Description: Diarylide Yellow HR70

Cadmium Orange
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PO20
Chemical Description: Concentrated Cadmium Sulfoselenide

Red Light
Cadmium Red Light
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PR108
Chemical Description: Concentrated Cadmium Sulfoselenide

Red Light
Naphthol Red Light
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PR112
Chemical Description: Naphthol AS-D

Pyrrole Red
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PR254
Chemical Description: Diketopyrrole-pyrrole

Red Dark
Cadmium Red Dark
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PR108
Chemical Description: Concentrated Cadmium Sulfoselenide

Naphthol Pink
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PW6, PR112
Chemical Description: Titanium Dioxide Rutile, Naphthol AS-D

Red Violet
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PR122, PB29, PW6
Chemical Description: Quinacridone, Polysulfide of Sodium-Alumino-Silicate, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Violet Deep
Dioxazine Violet Deep
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PV23, PW6
Chemical Description: Carbazole Dioxazine, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Blue Violet
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PB29, PV23, PW6
Chemical Description: Polysulfide of Sodium-Alumino-Silicate, Carbazole Dioxazine, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Ultramarine Blue
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PB29, PW6
Chemical Description: Polysulfide of Sodium-Alumino-Silicate, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

(Green Shade)
Phthalo Blue (Green Shade)
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PB15:3
Chemical Description: Copper Phthalocyanine

Blue Hue
Cerulean Blue Hue
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PB15:3, PW6
Chemical Description: Copper Phthalocyanine, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PB15:3, PG7, PW6
Chemical Description: Copper Phthalocyanine, Chlorinated Copper Phthalocyanine, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Cobalt Teal
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PG50
Chemical Description: Oxides of Nickel, Cobalt and Titanium

Blue Shade
Phthalo Green (Blue Shade)
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PG7, PW6
Chemical Description: Chlorinated Copper Phthalocyanine, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Permanent Green
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PY184, PG7
Chemical Description: Bismuth Vanadate, Chlorinated Copper Phthalocyanine

Dark Green
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PY43, PG7
Chemical Description: Natural Hydrated Iron Oxide, Chlorinated Copper Phthalocyanine

Yellow Green
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PY184, PG36
Chemical Description: Bismuth Vanadate, Brominated and Chlorinated Copper Phthalocyanine

Yellow Deep
Naples Yellow Deep
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PBr24
Chemical Description: Chrome Antimony Titanate

Yellow Oxide
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PY42
Chemical Description: Synthetic Hydrated Iron Oxide

Mars Yellow Deep
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PY42, PR101
Chemical Description: Synthetic Hydrated Iron Oxide, Synthetic Iron Oxide

Red Oxide
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PR101
Chemical Description: Synthetic Iron Oxide

Burnt Sienna
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PBr7
Chemical Description: Calcined Natural Iron Oxide

Burnt Umber
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PBr7
Chemical Description: Calcined Natural Iron Oxide containing Manganese

Raw Umber
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PBr7
Chemical Description: Natural Iron Oxide containing Manganese

O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PBk7
Chemical Description: Nearly Pure Amorphous Carbon

Payne's Gray
O/T: Opaque
C.I. Name: PB29, PBk7
Chemical Description: Polysulfide of Sodium-Alumino-Silicate, Nearly Pure Amorphous Carbon

Titanium White
O/T: Semi-Opaque
C.I. Name: PW6
Chemical Description: Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Fluorescent Yellow
O/T: Semi-Transparent
C.I. Name: N/A, PW6
Chemical Description: Dyed Polymer Particles, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Fluorescent Orange
O/T: Semi-Transparent
C.I. Name: N/A, PW6
Chemical Description: Dyed Polymer Particles, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Fluorescent Red
O/T: Semi-Transparent
C.I. Name: N/A, PW6
Chemical Description: Dyed Polymer Particles, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Fluorescent Pink
O/T: Semi-Transparent
C.I. Name: N/A, PW6
Chemical Description: Dyed Polymer Particles, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Fluorescent Violet
O/T: Semi-Transparent
C.I. Name: N/A, PW6
Chemical Description: Dyed Polymer Particles, Titanium Dioxide Rutile

Fluorescent Green
O/T: Semi-Transparent
C.I. Name: N/A, PW6
Chemical Description: Dyed Polymer Particles, Titanium Dioxide Rutile
974-0 SoFlat Pop Set
Six bold matte colors in 2 oz. jars. Set includes Cadmium Primrose, Naphthol Red Light, Ultramarine Blue, Permanent Green, Black and Titanium White.
975-0 SoFlat Zing Set
Six bright matte colors in 2oz. jars. Set includes Bismuth Vanadate Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Naphthol Pink, Red Violet, Cobalt Teal and Yellow Green.