Corrugated Cardboard
Made from a combination of Kraft paper, recycled pulp, and sizes or glues, cardboards among one of the most common paper products in use.
When working on these types of papers, acrylics, watercolors, and dry drawing media, a barrier is not required. However, when painting with oils on paper, an application of 3 or more coats of Acrylic Gesso is recommended to block oil absorption.
When painting with any acrylic paint, medium, or ground, 2 or more coats of Gloss Medium can be used to reduce support induced discoloration.
Grounds, gels, and pastes can be applied to alter the surface’s absorbency, durability, or texture.
This material is not recommended for permanent works of art.
Article: Paper warping when painted with acrylics
Article: Painting with oils on paper
Article: Paint & Paper (making a watercolor)