(No) Repair and Restoration Advice

When I first started working for GOLDEN, training to become a Materials and Application Specialist, I was told that I should never give restoration advice. Coming from a painting conservation background I understood the concern and the reason behind it. GOLDEN as a company would put itself in a vulnerable position if we were to … Weiterlesen

Warum man keine Pflaster benutzen sollte: Wie Etiketten und Gewebepflaster über Leinwandrissen zu Verformungen führen

Patch adhered with Rabbit Skin Glue on cotton canvas, 2 weeks old.

Wenn Sie einmal Pech haben und aus Versehen gegen ein Leinwandgemälde stoßen und ein Riss entsteht, kleben Sie keinen Flicken oder Pflaster auf. Löcher und Risse in gespannten Leinwänden können auftreten, und Gewebepflaster können wie eine einfache Reparatur erscheinen, werden aber nicht empfohlen. Ebenso ist das Anbringen von Etiketten mit Informationen über das Gemälde auf … Weiterlesen

From Mark Golden

Welcome to Just Paint – our long-form love affair with materials and our commitment to the professional arts community. This issue shares some recent activities at GOLDEN, including our latest Gallery show featuring extraordinary work by Ann Walsh. Ann Walsh: Colors, to some might sound a bit too expansive, but once you walk into the … Weiterlesen

Mirjam Hintz: Up Close

Golden Artist Colors’ new Materials & Applications Specialist is working from her studio in Frankfurt, Germany and gives us our first Materials Support staff in Europe. She has the ability to serve customers in both English and German, strengthening our commitment to artists by answering their questions and assisting with product and application challenges. Mark … Weiterlesen

Always Striving for the Best: The Introduction of Benzimidazolone Yellow Medium (PY154) & Benzimidazolone Yellow Light (PY175)

Featured image for Always Striving for the Best: The Introduction of Benzimidazolone Yellow Medium (PY154) & Benzimidazolone Yellow Light (PY175)

Introduction Golden Artist Colors is a company that has a very clear goal of making the best artist paints possible! In a time when so many companies see how far they can reduce quality before a consumer notices, GOLDEN continues to resist this trend and make improvements wherever possible regardless of cost.   Artists and conservators … Weiterlesen

Emergency and Natural Disaster Recovery Resources for Artists

Texas National Guard soldiers arrive in Houston to aid residents in heavily flooded areas from the storms of Hurricane Harvey, Aug. 27, 2017. Texas Army National Guard photo by 1st Lt. Zachary West

Obviously in any emergency or natural disaster, such as the devastating flooding caused by Tropical Storm Harvey in the Houston area and Hurricane Irma in Florida, the first priority is the life and safety of yourself and those around you. As the water recedes, however, and people are able to return to their homes and studios, … Weiterlesen

Flattening a Transparent Watercolor Painting on Paper

When painting on watercolor paper with transparent watercolor, the paper often buckles and stays that way once the painting is dry. This article offers one possible way to flatten the paper using a temporary ‘paper press.’ This method is appropriate for paintings composed of thinly applied glazes and washes of transparent watercolor on paper, and … Weiterlesen

Materials Information & Technical Resources for Artists

When Mark Gottsegen, a well-known educator and expert in artist materials, passed away in the Fall of 2013, an unbelievable amount was lost. Not least among them was AMIEN, the much beloved discussion forum on art materials that he founded. For Mark, AMIEN was his dream. From his desire to educate and provide real information … Weiterlesen

Materials Information & Technical Resources for Artists (MITRA) Website Launch

When Mark Gottsegen, a well-known educator and expert in artist materials, passed away in the Fall of 2013, an unbelievable amount was lost. Not least among them was AMIEN, the much beloved discussion forum on art materials that he founded. For Mark, AMIEN was his dream. It was from this desire to educate and to … Weiterlesen
