Ever found yourself wanting to walk up to a display of GOLDEN paint and just start squeezing, drizzling and scooping paint out of each and every container you could get your hands on? I bet fighting that urge took all the strength you had, didn’t it? It’s like a kid in a candy store — you want to sink your teeth (your brush in this case) into one of each kind you see. Your mind is spinning 100 mph with ideas; if only you could just get a chance to spread it, pour it, trowel it, and layer it — until your heart was content. If only you had someone to share your ideas with while your creative juices were flowing.
Well, up at our facility in Columbus, New York, we’ve created our own mix of ice cream shop and western saloon with paint instead of sundaes or booze with the new GOLDEN Paint Bar. After having robbed Barbara Golden’s antique collection of some less than prized furniture, we assembled an eclectic assortment of things strange and new to play with at this one-of-a-kind bar!
Golden Artist Colors, Inc. has always welcomed and embraced the opportunity to work intimately with artists — since the beginning it’s been about having a conversation. This dialogue, which began over 27 years ago, created the foundation by which the company was built and continues to inspire us each and every day. We truly value the close, personal relationships that have grown from these conversations and therefore, are delighted to share with you our new Paint Bar. It is one more way to collaborate with some of the most amazing artists of our times.
The Paint Bar is all about brainstorming, pushing paint around and having fun! This unique, innovative space gives artists the opportunity to explore our products and spend time talking with someone from our Technical Support Department. We’re confident its eye-catching design will inspire creativity and experimentation, making the possibilities endless. So, we welcome you to take some time out from the daily grind, visit the GOLDEN Paint Bar and let the conversation begin!
“I think this bar will continue to expand and eventually become a collage of sorts of all the wonderful collaborations we’ve had over the years,” states Mark Golden, co-designer with Bill Berthel of the bar. The Paint Bar is open M-F, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm EST. If you are interested in scheduling time in this one-of-a-kind setting, please contact Jodi O’Dell at[email protected].

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