The entire Golden Artist Colors’ Marketing Team and Technical Support Group, 15 of us in all, headed down to Art Basel in Miami. It was an incredibly inspiring trip and valuable to be able to share the insights and observations from the artists in our group as well as many of the artists we met during our whirlwind tour of this eclectic art market. In speaking to the many galleries, it seems that at least the Art Fair market remains positive, even in these crazy times.
It was wonderful to see so much painting, but clearly the stand out observation was the amount of mixed material work we saw. What might in the past have been termed mixed media, seemed to move to an even broader scale. Artists were using a vast array of materials; some quite durable, yet many other materials clearly not intended for permanent artwork. This points to a new complex set of questions with colliding concerns…of longevity vs. creativity and ethics vs. commerce. As these conflicts resolve themselves, we are committed to work with artists to allow them the greatest level of expression while also improving the durability of the materials chosen to use. Clearly, the Art Fair is a difficult place to really see art, but if you don’t mind viewing the work coming at you at the speed of light, it was quite exhilarating.

About Jodi O'Dell
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