Here are some questions and answers covered in the GOLDEN Technical support program. We hope you find this section informational and useful. While you are painting, if you come across a technical difficulty or question, please feel free to contact us for technical assistance at 1-800-959-6543 or go to Is it a problem to … Weiterlesen
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Providing the Value, Strength and Respect of Marketplace Consensus ASTM International is one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world. The not-for-profit organization provides a global forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services. Founded in 1898, the organization has over 30,000 members from … Weiterlesen
When artists create paintings their focus is typically on issues of aesthetics. Concerns over the substrate, ground, painting materials and the overall durability or integrity of the work are typically either built into the working style, or not. Usually, last among the concerns for the work is its stability in regards to its storage and/or … Weiterlesen
The dialogue continues. Here are some topics covered in Golden Artist Colors ongoing technical support program. We hope you find the information useful, and remember, when acrylic quandaries arise we are available and interested. 1-800-959-6543 Most paint mixtures should keep well on the shelf. However, the earliest sign of a negative change is to … Weiterlesen
Working with the conservation community we undertook research in conservation issues of acrylic paints and paintings, desiring a formal understanding of something most acrylic painters might take for granted: That if an acrylic painting gets dirty, it can simply be washed off with a damp rag. Just to be clear, we are not currently recommending … Weiterlesen
In August 2001, the Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education (SCMRE) in conjunction with the traveling exhibit “Santos: Substance & Soul,” presented a 4 day seminar cosponsored by the Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives, College of Santa Fe, the National Hispanic Cultural Center, and the Museum of Spanish Colonial Art. As part of a … Weiterlesen
What’s New! Interference colors, previously only available in heavy body consistency, are now available in a fluid viscosity. Four unique pigments and six popular interference colors from the heavy body line further enhance the extensive color selection of this fine art product category. These versatile colors mix easily with GOLDEN fluids, heavy body, gels, and … Weiterlesen
Golden Artist Colors has been actively involved in research in acrylic paint technology and issues in acrylic paintings conservation for over 14 years. We have contributed research on discoloration of acrylic medium and written many articles on the technical properties of acrylic paint and paint formulation. These have included understanding the drying process of acrylics, … Weiterlesen
At Golden Artist Colors we want to know what artists are doing and dreaming of trying with our products; and we want to be responsive to inquiries about the technical characteristics of the product. Our commitment is to offer qualified expertise via artists and paint systems specialists who are familiar with the chemical properties of … Weiterlesen
A new Health & Safety format will soon begin to appear on GOLDEN labels. This year, we will be phasing out the use of the ACMI AP and HL Seals on our labels and putting a finer edge to the wording in the section on Health & Safety advice. We are introducing a new icon … Weiterlesen