EDITOR’S NOTE (4/26/23): Please note that Polymer Varnish has been discontinued and replaced with Gloss Waterborne Varnish. You can read more about it here. As with any surface around the home, office, or especially, in a public place, paintings become a depository for airborne dust. They can also get touched occasionally, either inadvertently or purposefully, and may … Weiterlesen
Home>Acrylics> Artist Resources> Conservation > Techniques for Cleaning Acrylic Paintings
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Although acrylic paint tends to dry quickly, several techniques and additives can extend wet time. This Information Sheet discusses how acrylic paints cure and describes how that process can be controlled and manipulated to an artist’s advantage. The Acrylic Drying Process Water is Forced Out by Capillary Action: Acrylics dry as the vehicle that … Weiterlesen
Wenn Sie kein mit Acrylfarben angereichertes Wasser in den Abfluss spülen möchten, können Sie dieses vor der Entsorgung filtern. Dieser Prozess besteht aus der chemischen Behandlung des kontaminierten Wassers, das bewirkt, dass die Feststoffe ausflocken. Darauf folgt das Filtern, um die Feststoffe aus dem Wasser zu entfernen. Die benötigten Materialien und Geräte sind vor Ort … Weiterlesen
One of the most critical problems in the manufacture and use of acrylic paint is the development of foam. It can cause structural problems in the dry paint film by weakening it and can create a more permeable paint surface capable of imbibing dirt and other discoloring pollutants. But the primary problem with foam is … Weiterlesen
GOLDEN Heavy Body Acrylics were the first line of paints produced by Golden Artist Colors, Inc. in 1980. Formulated to have an exceptionally smooth, thick texture, these paints were regarded as the best quality available; however, they did not meet the needs of all users. Many artists were thinning the Heavy Body paints with water. … Weiterlesen