In the Art Materials Industry, Steve Steinberg of New York Central, in Manhattan and Gil McMillon of Accent Art, in Palo Alto, CA, have been among the most influential champions in the development of custom materials for artists. Their strong relationships with artists and passion for art materials have accounted for many of Golden Artist Colors’ new materials.
Some of these have been unique products, including Steve Steinberg’s request for a printing ink made from crayons for a series of David Hockney prints. Gil McMillon’s request for a stiffer, slower drying paint, went through several revisions for one of his customers. Eventually Gil introduced this custom paint to his customer base and now offers “High Solid” colors in a limited range. When Gil saw a need for artists to have an Acrylic Titanium White/Zinc White blend, as is common in oil paint, he created this custom project with GOLDEN and now offers this unique product to his customers.
Both individuals’ contributions to developing new products goes well beyond paints and mediums. Steve has designed new substrates and supports for artists. His knowledge of paper and materials extends to a wide range of new resources for artists. Both Steve and Gil have been able to support their customers by walking them through the process of developing and defining innovative materials. This dialogue is invaluable to us as we continue to develop artist materials.

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