Dear Artists, Friends and Colleagues,
We are delighted to share that during the past ten years, awards totaling more than $120,000 have been granted to artists in recognition of their work and to cultural organizations for their commitment and capacity to provide services for career artists.
In keeping with our mission, to be a meaningful resource for the professional visual artist, the family members are envisioning a new way to continue supporting artists. A beautiful quiet country setting consisting of 140 acres has been purchased by the Golden’s for an artist residency. The historic barn will be converted into artist studios and workspace. What makes this residency program unique is its close proximity to Golden Artist Colors, Inc. Golden Artist Colors, Inc. has a long proactive history of providing technical support to individual artists working in paint. Their expertise and custom formulating capabilities for artists is recognized worldwide. The artist workspace is located just a few steps (across the road) from the factory. This location and partnership will distinguish this artist workspace from any other residency program, providing the artist with freedom for artistic experimentation and exploration with the materials expertise available at Golden Artist Colors, Inc.
We have chartered our course and are ready to direct our focus on the artist and the continuation of the artist’s creative process. We have a proven history of dedication and direct financial support to artists and will continue awarding grants by establishingan annual Golden Foundation Fellowships. This year a Golden Foundation Fellowship has been established at four nationally recognized institutions:
Atlantic Center for the Arts, Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Headlands Center for the Arts and Vermont Studio Center.

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