On Saturday, October 6, 2007, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm, the Sam & Adele Golden FoundationSM for the Arts, Inc. will be holding a Silent Art Auction Benefit in celebration of its 10th Year. The evening will be dedicated to honoring our Foundation Director, Lucy Tower Funke on the occasion of her retirement.
Silent Auction Artwork has been donated by the friends of the Sam & Adele Golden FoundationSM for the Arts, Inc. Included are artists who have received the Golden Foundation Award as well as others with significant international acclaim and honors. Many are represented in important collections both public and private throughout the world.
There will be a preview of artwork on Friday, October 5 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.
We invite you to visit goldenfoundation.org and select the Benefit Art Auction Gallery to preview the artwork of the contributing artists. Artwork will be added weekly to the site. You need not be present to bid on the artwork. See the Silent Auction Benefit Bid Fax Form for more details, also located in the Benefit Art Auction Gallery. Faxed bids must be in by 4:00 pm on the day of the auction.
Reservations for the event at GOLDEN, which will be a wine and hors d’oeuvres reception, are $30.00 in advance. Please RSVP at 607-847-8158 by September 21, 2007 or go online at goldenfoundation.org.

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