Mark Golden, CEO of Golden Artist Colors, Inc., was recently recognized by the Manufacturers Association of Central New York (MACNY) with a 2005 Wall of Fame Award. MACNY represents the interests of hundreds of employers, mostly manufacturers, in Central New York. Mark accepted the award at the 92nd Annual Dinner & Awards Ceremony, which was held at the Convention Center at Oncenter in Syracuse, N.Y. The award recognized Mark Golden’s commitment over the last 25 years to grow a better business — a business committed to all the employee owners, one committed to its local community and environment and one significantly committed to artists around the world. Also receiving awards were the late Jacob Steigerwald, founder of Cathedral Candle in Syracuse, N.Y. and John Vensel, recently retired from Crucible Steel, also in Syracuse.
Mark also received an award from the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA). NYFA helps artists turn inspiration into art by giving more money and support to individual artists and arts organizations than any other comparable institution in the U.S. NYFA recognized Mark with the first annual Arts Patron Inspiration Award. The Inspiration Awards recognize individuals and organizations that have made significant achievements as artists or in support of artists. Over the last 25 years Mark has worked with hundreds of artists and art organizations, inspiring them to share their dreams about the tools they needed to paint and encouraging them to push the boundaries of their art. Mark has always found a way to give back to the community of artists, whether it is through The Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts, through efforts of his company or personally. In addition to Mark’s award, 2 others were given by NYFA. The corporate Inspiration Award was presented to Nokia for its outstanding “Connect to Art” program that commissions leading and emerging international artists to bring art to mobile devices. Brian Alfred received the artist Inspiration Award in recognition of his innovative multi-disciplinary artworks.

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