These products are truly unique so we’re extremely pleased with how quickly the artist community has embraced this new innovation in acrylic paint. They are like no other acrylic product and this has dramatically increased the range of options now available to painters.It was just over two years ago that OPEN Acrylics was launched. Unimaginable at the time – an acrylic that could potentially be worked all day! As more artists began using OPEN, we started hearing the requests for more colors and bigger sizes. “Where’s the Zinc White?” “When will 5 oz. tubes be available?” In response these requests, we were happy to oblige this past spring by expanding the line of OPEN Acrylics with 40 more colors and two new mediums in a matte sheen. In addition, a select range of colors are now available in 5 oz. tubes and 32 oz. jars.
OPEN Acrylics are a very different feeling and working paint. They will allow artists to do things impossible with any other product. They are considerably softer in consistency than GOLDEN Heavy Body paints and have a relaxed working property that facilitates blending, softening, shading, glazing and creating fine detail. This increased working time allows these paints to be used in more traditional techniques that were once only possible with oils. Clearly, the OPEN Acrylics are not an oil replacement. Yet at the same time, they have given artists a new way to work, sometimes even changing the way in which they paint.
We’re excited to have these truly innovative paints in our offering and have enjoyed getting to know a number of artists that are new to the GOLDEN brand as a result of this new medium. We’ve also had a grand time hearing from artists who are experimenting and teaching us a thing or two about the true versatility available with OPEN Acrylics. We plan to keep this dialog going for a long time to come. If you are new to OPEN and would like to learn more about these products go to OPEN for application sheets and additional resources.And since these paints are still acrylics, that means there are options. If an artist wants to modify opacity or speed up drying time, OPEN Acrylics are designed to be a seamless extension of the existing GOLDEN line of acrylics and mediums, which may be blended with OPEN to achieve the desired result. To maintain the maximum working time of OPEN Acrylics, OPEN Mediums and Thinner are available. In addition, there are two new Mediums being added to the OPEN Acrylics line: OPEN Medium (Matte) and OPEN Gel Medium (Matte).

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