Three awards have been bestowed upon Golden Artist Colors in the past month. The awards recognized Golden’s corporate contributions to the Arts, opportunities created by the company within the community, and the outstanding service of the director of the Golden Foundation.
The New York State Art Teachers Association notified Mark Golden this month that Golden Artist Colors, Inc. was selected to receive the NYSATA Special Citation Award. This is awarded to a corporation that contributes significantly to the cause of art education. It is a common practice at Golden to contribute to statewide art workshops and to offer paint donation for local causes. The company participates in Chenango County’s Colorscape event and School to Careers Partnerships. Golden was also cited for the “Just Paint” newsletter distributed to artists throughout the United States. NYSATA states that Golden “supplies an incredible service to art students and teachers and the state organizations wishes to recognize and reward this.”
The second award is bestowed upon Lucy Funke, who Serves as Director of the Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts, Inc. which is housed at Golden Artist Colors, Inc. This foundation was established in the memory of Mark Golden’s parents and assists artists working in paint. The Alliance of New York State Arts Organizations has chosen Lucy for the M. Jacquie Lodico Service Award. This state wide award honors an arts administrator for outstanding accomplishment and distinguished service to an organization and community. Lucy’s efforts appeal to both segments, not only for her current service at the Golden Foundation, but also for her former twenty years as Director of the Chenango County Arts Council.
The New York State Rehabilitation Association Inc. has named Golden Artist Colors, Inc. as the recipient of the Top Honor 2001 Business/Industry Recognition Award. This award recognizes organizations that are true partners with NYSRA member agencies for employing individuals with disabilities and for understanding and supporting unique challenges these employees face. Golden Artist Colors, Inc. for the past two years has participated in mainsteaming residents of Pathfinder Village to their careers in manufacturing. This has provided a wonderful experience for both the residents and the Golden family of employees who work alongside them.

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