Fiberglass consists of finely spun fibers cast into epoxy, resin, vinyl ester, or thermoplastics. It is a popular material in building and industrial applications for its strength. Before painting, lightly sand (abrade) and degrease.
With Acrylics or Oils, paint directly on the surface or prepare with desired ground.
With Watercolors and Dry Drawing Medias, we recommend a commercial bonding primer or gesso as a base coat. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommended preparation.
Oils and Acrylics can be painted directly on this preparation.
Watercolors and Dry Drawing Media can be utilized on top of an appropriate acrylic preparation like a pastel or watercolor ground.
For exterior applications, click here.
Fiberglass consists of finely spun fibers cast into epoxy, resin, vinyl ester, or thermoplastics. It is a popular material in building and industrial applications for its strength. Before painting, lightly sand (abrade) and degrease.
With Acrylics or Oils, paint directly on the surface or prepare with desired ground.
With Watercolors and Dry Drawing Medias, we recommend a commercial bonding primer or gesso as a base coat. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommended preparation.
Oils and Acrylics can be painted directly on this preparation.
Watercolors and Dry Drawing Media can be utilized on top of an appropriate acrylic preparation like a pastel or watercolor ground.
For exterior applications, click here.

About Brent DeLanoy
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