Linen (Raw, Unprimed).
Contents and qualities of these fabrics vary widely. The density and weave along with natural materials, chemicals, and sizing in these fabrics can directly influence its performance.
Although acrylics and dry drawing media can work well directly on raw or unprimed linen, we recommend a barrier for most applications.
When painting with any acrylic paint, medium, gesso, or ground, we recommend applying 2 or more coats of Gloss Medium first to reduce support induced discoloration.
For oils, apply 3 or more coats of Acrylic Gesso to reduce oil absorption.
Watercolors can be successfully applied to linen when an acrylic watercolor ground is applied.
Grounds, gels, and pastes can be applied to alter the surface’s absorbency, durability, or texture.
Article: Painting Supports, Cotton Canvas