With the dramatic decline in materials and technique education amongst numerous significant institutions, most artists learn even the most basic concepts of canvas preparation from the same people they learn about the birds and the bees … their buds …
The situation is not much better on the information superhighway. We’ve attempted in this issue of ‘Just Paint’ to fill in some of these gaps. By providing best practices, we are hopeful that more accurate information might be passed on. We are delighted to be able to present in this issue, James Bernstein’s article, “A Remarkable Way to Stretch Canvases”. Jim served as Co-Director of Conservation at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. After 15 years there, Jim has continued a distinguished career as a private paintings conservator and teacher, specializing in paintings and mixed media as well as offering master classes to other paintings conservators. We are also delighted that David Headley of Downtown Stretchers in Brooklyn has provided his professional insights and tips for preparing your own strainers in the article, “Strechers and Strainers.” Finally, our own Bill Berthel, Laboratory Administrator and Chairman of the Acrylic Paints and Materials Task Group in the ASTM D01.57 Subcommittee has provided common language for grounds and promotes the critical need for standards for these materials in “Uncommon Grounds”.

About Mark Golden
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