Any Jedes matte oder seidenglänzende Medium kann für ein wachsartiges Erscheinungsbild sorgen. Die spezifische Art des Auftrags kann diesen Effekt auch verstärken oder verringern. Dabei kann es hilfreich sein, Tests mit verschiedenen Medien oder Gels an Probestücken durchzuführen, bis Sie ein Gefühl für die Medien oder Gels sowie für die Auftragstechniken bekommen, die Ihnen am … Weiterlesen
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Archive | Acrylics
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) recently published its final decision that Cadmium pigments will not be restricted in artist paints. You can read the entire document here: In two previous issues of Just Paint we shared information concerning the possibility of Cadmium pigments being banned in artist paints. Just Paint Issue 4 (October 1996) … Weiterlesen

If comparing GOLDEN’s Neutral Gray series to the Munsell® Grey Scale that they are based on, you might quickly realize that one step is missing – namely N9, the Munsell® gray that is one step below pure white. And clearly the natural question is why? When the Neutral Grays were first created it was felt … Weiterlesen
Most painters have a sense of how to prepare panels for oil and acrylic paintings when they are meant to be shown indoors, and we even published a couple of Just Paint articles on the topic: Understanding Wood Supports for Art – A Brief History Plywood as a Substrate for Painting However for both Muralists … Weiterlesen
I have been teaching, writing and lecturing on acrylic methods and materials for over 20 years. So, when asked to write about an A-Z Acrylics set that didn’t contain at least 1,000 different colors, mediums and additives, I thought, “well, this can’t really be Acrylics A-Z, but maybe A-B!” In fact, without having to spend … Weiterlesen
A foray into printmaking using OPEN Acrylics as the primary printing ink and because the possibilities don’t stop there, a few experiments with High Flow Acrylics and QoR© Watercolors as inks. This foray is by no means comprehensive, but rather a journey of possibilities and experimentation. Our adventure begins with OPEN Acrylics as our “ink.” … Weiterlesen

Von Vaikunt Raghavan, Ph.D. Grundlagen der Benetzung und Haftung Wenn eine Flüssigkeit mit einem Feststoff in Berührung kommt, entstehen neue Schnittstellen oder Grenzen zwischen diesen unterschiedlichen Materialien. Obwohl es viele Faktoren gibt, die die Haftung der Acrylfarbe auf dem festen Kunststoff fördern oder verhindern, ist das wichtigste Element die Fähigkeit der Flüssigkeit, den Feststoff, auf … Weiterlesen
Drawing with pens and ink in artwork is not new. Artists have always combined drawing with painting, and the very act of painting itself incorporates drawing as line whenever one color or value is placed beside another, a thicker passage shows its edge against a thinner passage, or wet paint is scored by the end … Weiterlesen
An exterior mural is likely the most extreme test for lightfastness and weatherability of a paint system. One of our most popular Application Information Sheets, “Painting Exterior Murals” is the culmination of decades of experience and research. If you have never read it, please do. You will soon realize a mural is only as durable … Weiterlesen
It’s dead quiet, the cello, with a low and constant hum, emerges in the space followed by a violin entering with the same subtlety and delicateness. The instruments gently ride the nuanced waves of a slow and lazy river hypnotically guiding listeners to a place of calmness and refinement and then…a toddler, naked and … Weiterlesen