It’s all about a fear of water, the art of levitation, and the fact that size matters. From there it’s just an issue of context. Down one path are tales of summer pool parties and magic shows; down the other a world of pigment particles coaxed into fluid paint. Considering we are about to pull … Weiterlesen
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The ease we all feel in picking up a pen and writing something down has facilitated us to translate, transcribe and transform the thoughts in our heads to a tangible surface. While this may work very easily in everyday life, traditional inks can present problems when used within artwork from issues of permanence to compatibility … Weiterlesen
High Flow Acrylic Applications: Airbrush The new GOLDEN High Flow Acrylics are an amazingly versatile paint! As one of the folks here in my earlier Research and Development days at GOLDEN, I spent countless hours conducting application testing of the Airbrush Colors, so I have to admit that the idea of a new paint line … Weiterlesen
All painters soon discover that black is not black. Black is, like any color, a general term used to describe a large range of colors. We have three blacks in our Heavy Body, Fluid and OPEN Acrylics: Carbon Black, Mars Black and Bone Black. While all three of these are nominally black, they are formed … Weiterlesen
Drying Rates of Acrylic Polymer Dispersion On most containers of commercial paints, primers and coatings, it is common for the label to provide a specific timeframe for the product to be dry. “Dries in 2-4 hours under ideal conditions.” “Dries to the touch in 30-60 minutes.” “Allow to dry 4 hours before re-coating.” So why … Weiterlesen
For Just Paint readers with good memories, this article may appear as the third in a series going back to Just Paint #21 and Sarah Sands, Subtleties of Color, followed up by Running the Color Gamut in issue 26. While it’s not necessary to read either of those articles to appreciate the story behind the … Weiterlesen
Acrylics are mostly known for their ability to dry quickly, allowing artists to layer and over paint in rapid succession. Some artists even love to use fans or hairdryers to speed it along; however, there are many times when an effect is desired for which, frankly, acrylics dry too fast. This article hopes to explain … Weiterlesen

The Color Graveyard Graveyards can be fascinating places, full of history, imagination and stories. Places like Saint Louis Cemetery in New Orleans which holds the tomb of Voodoo Queen Marie LaVeau, or Forest Lawn in Los Angeles, with its array of replicated works of art and famous buildings. Here at GOLDEN, we too have a … Weiterlesen
I had been given what to me seemed like the daunting task of writing an article on color mixing and to introduce the new Modern Theory Color Mixing Set. I was more than slightly astonished that I was the designated writer! We have an amazing number of wonderful painters working for Golden Artist Colors, many … Weiterlesen
Although it will be my intention to present a stand-alone essay relating to the perception, use and technology of color and color reproduction, it is inevitable that references will be made to the Just Paint 22 article The Subtleties of Color as it serves as not only the conceptual starting point for this article, but … Weiterlesen