April 13, 2013 marked the opening of an exhibition of works by the Golden Foundation’s 2012 Artists in Residence. These seven talented artists were not only the first to attend the Golden Foundation Residency program in 2012, but were those who marked, with distinction, the 2013 inaugural year of the Foundation’s alumni gallery show, Made in Paint. With one more opportunity to gather with the residents, friends and community, the exhibition opened on a lovely evening in New Berlin to an audience of over 200 people.
The gallery, named in honor of Sam and Adele Golden, highlighted three works by each of the resident artists. Gallery Director, Jim Walsh orchestrated the incredible show of artwork, which varied in size, shape, substrate and medium. A common thread among these artists was their passion for exploration and pushing their personal boundaries. Made in Paint celebrates the relationship that has existed from the beginning of painting history between artists and their materials.
Erin Treacy’s work shows layered marks on canvas mimicking flora and fauna from previous travels and research; Jennifer Ann Norman’s orbital sanding reveals excavated layers of thick, “dripping over the edge” poured mediums, and explores the relationship between perception and image; Lynette Stephenson produced a new body of work with previously unexplored paints and mediums; Elizabeth Blau’s paintings integrate mixed media elements on canvas; Karima Klasen experiments with a wide range of materials and color, translating urban surroundings within a geometric language; Mel Prest’s paintings on large scale paper are works of structured spaces, created by the mapping of language, light and sound; and Kevin Witzke created an apparatus with the help of the GOLDEN engineering department, which pulled 16 feet of canvas through a trough of water containing ground stone, soil and anthracite collected at the residency. The progressive sediment marks deposited upon the canvas highlight the ancientness of the pigments and geological cycles.
Though Made in Paint ended August 30th, 2013, you can still view the show online at www.thesagg.org through a virtual tour. For a show catalog, contact [email protected]. The Golden Foundation’s second Made in Paint alumni show will take place in the Spring of 2014, highlighting the works of this year’s 18 artists in residence. For further information about the Golden Foundation and residency program, go to www.goldenfoundation.org.
The works are also available for purchase. Please contact Foundation Executive Director Barbara Golden at [email protected] for pricing.

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