When Sarah Sands wrote “The Subtleties of Color” in our last issue of Just Paint (#21) we assembled the entire Tech Support Services team to review the enormous number of exquisite drawdowns that had been created to then generate all the spectral data. All the members, being incredible color fanatics, wanted a full set of the dried color samples for their own work. This quickly resolved into requests to have all our colors analyzed in multiple tint and glaze let downs. When we counted the colors and the number of drawdowns, (close to 1,000 for one complete set) it was clearly not something we could do by hand, but we would certainly consider putting all the data into a form that could be used by all the team members. Word got out to the rest of the artists in the company that we had all these drawdowns and soon, requests began to pour into the lab for these color samples. It didn’t take long for the idea to take hold that these color samples even in printed form would be incredibly valuable for all our customers … so was born the new Drawdown Color Chart Poster.
You can see Sarah’s article on our current Web site at here . Embedded into this article are some of these drawdowns. Just looking at these imperfect representations on your computer monitor still gives an incredible reference as to how the very subtle differences in color, tints or glazes makes all the difference as to how these various pigments react and move in color space.
Starting this February we are offering this rolled poster to all our customers for $9.95 (plus shipping and handling). The higher resolution printing process we’re using to create this chart will make the blue, green and orange tones much more vibrant, offering the truest printed color interpretation available. Simply go to goldenpaints.com and look for the chart banner, fill out the information required and we will send you this dazzling color tool.

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Hello! I know this post was from awhile ago now, but I was wondering if the Drawdown Color Chart Poster is still available anywhere? I can’t find it on goldenpaints.com. I love this poster and have had it for 4 years now but recently it was damaged and I’m trying to replace it.
Thanks for your time!
Hello Monica,
The poster used to be available directly through our website, but we removed that feature when we re-launched the site. The poster is available through retailers, although very few of the yellow “dump-box” displays are still out there they should be available from your favorite online retailers. Just search for “Golden Tint & Glaze Poster” — If you call the factory (607-847-6154) our customer service team can also sell you a poster, but you’ll probably get a more favorable price and shipping terms through a retail partner.
It is worth mentioning, however, that the second edition printing was the last and supplies are limited to whatever people have on hand. There are no plans to update and reprint the poster at this time.
That’s a shame. I wanted one too.
I wanted one too. Most artists would like one. Although I do understand the pace of technology and difficulty of representing paint colourants on computer screen, please help us to use these products visually.
Thank you for your interest Irina. This post is from 12 years ago and unfortunately, we no longer make this poster. We will keep in mind that there are those out there that would still find a resource like this useful moving forward. Thank you for your comment!