We have an amazing person joining our six member Technical Support Services team, Amy McKinnon. If you have called or emailed GOLDEN, you know these folks provide an unequalled level of technical information. Amy describes in her own words, her journey to find her place here.
Ulysses Jackson and Mike Townsend have been the inspiration behind the new online videos that start to explain the unexplainable, like saving a varnish when you’ve added the wrong solvent.
Mike has also gathered the latest technical information on the new OPEN Acrylics. These products continue to get incredible reviews, allowing artists to achieve works thought impossible with more traditional acrylics.
Released in June is an incredible new book by longtime friend, Jackie Battenfield, called The Artist’s Guide. Supporting this effort is a valuable way to provide a resource to artists struggling to manage their creative lives. We’re proud the Golden Foundation became the first sponsor. Jackie, in an interview conducted with her this summer, shares some insights that generated this guide.
Finally as we share technical insights from your many questions we receive daily, there is no end to the questions and nuance of color. Sarah Sands, Technical Services Supervisor, describes some of the most indescribable subtleties around color (and she was also out the day we gave assignments).
Best, Mark