Cold Pressed Molded Cold Pressed Rough

Paint and Paper: Making a Watercolor

Watercolor paper is an active part in the creation of a painting, for watercolor artists paint with their paper rather than simply upon it. For this reason, which watercolor paper an artist selects influences both the painting process and the finished painting. Paper choice can be as personal as color

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Value of Plastics as a Painting Support

Artists have been using plastics as a substrate for their work since their development as a consumer material. Early plastics were heralded with such acclaim that they were awarded special honors during the London 1862 World’s Fair. These nitrocellulose plastics were used in constructions by artists Naum Gabo and Antoine

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Good Wetting and Poor Wetting

Acrylics on Plastics

By Vaikunt Raghavan, Ph.D. Basics of Wetting and Adhesion When a liquid comes into contact with any solid, new interfaces or boundaries are generated between these dissimilar materials. Although many factors exist which will promote or inhibit adhesion of the acrylic paint onto the solid plastic, the most important element

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The Science Behind QoR

Dow® Chemical first patented our new watercolor binder for QoR, (Poly(2-ethyl-w-oxazoline) in 1977. It is now more commonly known as Aquazol® when it was licensed to another manufacturer. Among its several unique properties was its solubility in a wide range of solvents including water. Its properties for use as an

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QoR Watercolor Effects

QoR Mediums and Grounds

The recent introduction of QoR®, our new and original take on watercolors, gave us the opportunity to broaden the range of techniques and applications possible with a companion line of Mediums and Grounds. QoR Grounds greatly expand the breadth of surfaces that can accept watercolor paint and provide the freedom

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Williamsburg Wax Medium

From the very beginning, oil painters have used mediums to extend, modify, tweak and transform their paint in one way or another. These have run the gamut from the simple use of solvents when creating an initial wash to much more complex concoctions and recipes that involve the blending of

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Williamsburg Upside Down Can

Turning the World of Cans Upside Down

Recently we set about testing a variety of solutions for what has been a constant problem: preventing a can of paint from forming a skin, especially when stored for months or even years at a time. Plastic wrap pressed against the surface definitely worked, but also created a mess when

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Friedel Dzubas Monumental Works

Friedel Dzubas Monumental Works

By the middle of the twentieth century the traditional notion of the artists studio, that of the ‘garret’, gave way to the availability of spacious commercial lofts in downtown New York City that had been abandoned in the post-war period. As manufacturing moved out of New York, artists moved into

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Made In Paint

Made In Paint

The second annual Made in Paint exhibition opening was among the most highly attended events hosted by the Golden Foundation to date. Approximately 300 visitors filled the Sam and Adele Golden Gallery (The SAGG) on April 12, 2014 to view the works of 20 artists from around the world. These

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From Mark Golden

Dear Just Paint readers, We’ve just reached our 30th edition of Just Paint and with it, just a moment of reflection on what we have tried to create with our newsletter. First, a huge thank you to our Editor for the last 20 issues of Just Paint, Jodi O’Dell. Without

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