From time to time – I know you may be surprised to hear this – we’ve been accused of being just slightly too technical in our Just Paint. In an effort to be accurate we have sacrificed some potential readership. Others have simply shared with us that they’ve been able to replace their sleeping aids … Weiterlesen
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By Scott Bennett We regularly review new pigments and binders for potential inclusion into our already vast line of products for artists. Sometimes it is obvious that we need to fill a color space or gap between existing colors. The goal is to make smoother transitions between colors and ultimately, give the artist more color … Weiterlesen
EDITOR’S NOTE (4/26/23): Please note that Polymer Varnish has been discontinued and replaced with Gloss Waterborne Varnish. You can read more about it here. By Mike Townsend The volume of e-mails and calls to our Technical Support Department reveals a consistent increase in the number of artists incorporating inkjet printing into their artwork. While some artists’ focus … Weiterlesen

By Digital Atelier® Artists, Karin Schminke, Dorothy Simpson Krause, Bonny Pierce Lhotka As computers are becoming commonplace in homes and studios, artists are integrating digital processes into their work at an ever-increasing rate. Superior digital editing capabilities encourage creative exploration and give the artist more precise control over the production of their art. Some artists … Weiterlesen
By Sarah Sands “I’m not particularly worried about lightfastness,” the customer said with confidence as we discussed the merits of using a UV protective varnish. “The ink system I’m using is rated as permanent for more than 100 years.” I glance at the time, and take a deep breath. “Here we go,” I thought, and … Weiterlesen
As part of the Custom Lab’s efforts to increase visibility of and experimentation with new materials, we are pleased to share with you some of the products we have recently developed. As these are experimental products, availability may require longer lead times. Mike Townsend of GOLDEN Technical Support has reviewed these new products to give … Weiterlesen

“Test for your application.” So runs the common coda that ends many of our emails and closes our conversations. At the most fundamental level, it simply means trying out a new material or technique in a way that closely mimics how you hope to use it. Other times it requires being something of sleuth and … Weiterlesen

By Sarah Sands This article examines the technical aspects of creating “luminous effects” in acrylic painting. By “luminous effects” we primarily refer to the use of transparent layers, called glazes, to create a sense of luminous, glowing color and depth. We will not touch upon Fluorescent or Phosphorescent pigments, which act by a completely different … Weiterlesen
First the bad news: We have been forced to discontinue our most venerable color, a color we introduced to the marketplace, and one that soon became our signature color – Quinacridone Gold. The pigment manufacturer will no longer support the required pigment, and despite an exhaustive search, there is simply no other source to be … Weiterlesen

By Dana Rice You’re seated at a white clothed table in an uptown restaurant; the chef has just placed an incredible creation down in front of you. You take a bite and a complex mixture of flavors and spice awaken your palette. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but there is an ingredient … Weiterlesen