We all get tripped up and surprised sometimes. Even the simplest description can set in motion assumptions that lead us to expect one thing only to be sitting there, moments later, head slightly tilted, a quizzical glance showing equal parts frustration and fascination. Which is where we found ourselves a few years back when testing a variety of … Weiterlesen
Home>Acrylics> Application> Drawing Media> Ink> Primers and Grounds > Waterproof India Inks and Shellac-based Primers
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The Material Specialists here at Golden Artist Colors are often requested by artists to diagnose the reasoning for problems occurring in their paintings based solely upon their words used to guide us. One of the most common emails or calls require the understanding of whether the artist is discussing a crack versus a craze … Weiterlesen
Editor’s Note 3/8/21 With YInMn Blue having been out for a while now, and with a lot of questions received and answered since this piece was published, we wanted to briefly provide an update: As noted in the article, the pigment has some unique strengths, being considered extremely lightfast, durable, and chemically resistant, as well … Weiterlesen
Das Gießens von Farben ist sicherlich keine neue Art ist um Farbe aufzutragen, dennoch kann es frustrierend und teuer sein, konsistente Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Für diesen Malprozess ist es notwendig zu experimentieren um zu verstehen, welche Faktoren das Gießen von Farben bestimmen. Studio Vorbereitung Ein sicherer Weg, die Chancen auf ein erfolgreiches Gießen zu verbessern, … Weiterlesen
Lederfabrikanten malen schon lange mit Acrylfarben auf Leder, so dass es keine Überraschung ist, dass Golden Artist Colors Acrylglas auch zum Malen von Leder verwendet werden kann. Welche Farblinie zu verwenden ist und ob ein Zusatz erforderlich ist, hängt von der Lederart und der Art der Vorbehandlung ab. Um festzustellen, welches Verfahren für … Weiterlesen
If oil paint was just now being invented, and had to sell itself to the marketplace as a new medium, it would probably have an incredibly difficult time – especially if we knew beforehand that its list of problems would include yellowing, cracking, wrinkling, flaking, embrittlement, hydrolysis, fatty acid crystallization, protuberances and delamination caused by … Weiterlesen
Überblick: Eine „Acrylhaut“ ist eine trockene Acrylschicht, die aus Farbe, Medium oder einer Kombination aus beidem bestehen kann und die nicht an einen Untergrund gebunden ist. Acrylhäute können mit so gut wie allen GOLDEN Acrylmedien, Gels, Pasten oder Farben erzeugt werden, Fluid Acrylics eignen sich aber besonders gut, da ihre Konsistenz ein einfaches Gießen und … Weiterlesen
Plaster has been decorated with paint since its earliest known usage back in 7500 B.C. Jordan. The rather simple mixture of lime powder, crushed limestone and water was used to achieve smooth walls for interior wall decoration. Ancient Egyptian builders employed calcined (heated) gypsum into their plaster, which improved the functional use. The duel use … Weiterlesen
GAC 400 is used to stiffen fabric or paper made from natural fibers. It is a water-borne acrylic that dries to a hard, stiff film. One good coat that soaks in well should be enough to stiffen the material. It can be used to replace rabbit skin glue for stiffening linen and canvas in preparation … Weiterlesen
Dibond is a trade name for a type of painted aluminum composite panel made by Alcan Composites. There are other brands and types of Aluminum Composite Panels that may have a bare aluminum side or different types of coatings, which may require different surface preparation. Dibond panels are made with two lightweight sheets of .012″ … Weiterlesen