Now in its fifth year of collaboration, Golden Artist Colors has again partnered with the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards to celebrate educators across America who support and encourage the creative process! Lucy Harackiewicz from Westwood, MA; Elizabeth Stainton from New York, NY; and Rebecca Buchanan from Hillsboro, OR joined us at the Sam and … Weiterlesen
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You may have noticed the letters “C.P.” preceding the names of our GOLDEN Acrylic Cadmium colors, or come across “(CC)” as part of the cadmium pigment listing found on the back of labels and in pigment ID charts. And…you may have wondered what they mean. This has been a common question over the years and so … Weiterlesen
Paint Additions Into GAC 800 for Pouring Applications Several rounds of test mixtures of GAC 800 and GOLDEN paints. By far, the most popular GOLDEN Acrylic Medium used for pouring paints is GAC 800. Our Heavy Body Acrylics, Fluid Acrylics, and High Flow Acrylic paint lines readily blend with this free-flowing medium. These mixtures will merge … Weiterlesen
Direct, exterior exposure is highly demanding on coatings, with the test fences set at a 45º angle to maximize the effect of sun, rain, snow and ice. In 1993 and again in 2009, long-term exterior tests of the acrylic colors lasting 4 and 3 years respectively were conducted in South Florida. From these results and in … Weiterlesen
Eine häufige Frage ist: „Wie lange soll ich warten, bevor ich die nächste Schicht Acrylfarbe auftrage?“ Tatsächlich kann man in den meisten Fällen jederzeit mehrere Schichten auftragen, da dies eine der einzigartigen Eigenschaften von Acrylprodukten ist. Für die abschließende Schichtbildung und Härte spielt es wirklich keine Rolle. In einigen Sonderfällen und bei einigen Anwendungen ist … Weiterlesen
When Mark Gottsegen, a well-known educator and expert in artist materials, passed away in the Fall of 2013, an unbelievable amount was lost. Not least among them was AMIEN, the much beloved discussion forum on art materials that he founded. For Mark, AMIEN was his dream. It was from this desire to educate and to … Weiterlesen
Plaster has been decorated with paint since its earliest known usage back in 7500 B.C. Jordan. The rather simple mixture of lime powder, crushed limestone and water was used to achieve smooth walls for interior wall decoration. Ancient Egyptian builders employed calcined (heated) gypsum into their plaster, which improved the functional use. The duel use … Weiterlesen
When it is important to know how much paint will be needed to complete a painting, as in the case of a mural or large painting, or simply priming a large surface, there are a few ways to estimate how much your tube, bottle or jar of paint will cover or how much you will … Weiterlesen
Wir sind umgeben von Maßeinheiten, denen wir selten einen zweiten Gedanken schenken; gewöhnliche Maßstäbe und Lineale, die die Welt in Einheiten von Zentimetern, Zoll, Metern und Kilometern aufteilen. Aber daneben gibt es noch andere, die wir selten verwenden oder die wir nicht so leicht und präzise erklären könnten, wie Centipoise und Mols, Dezibel und Pascal. … Weiterlesen

Small Differences That Make All the Difference Every painter knows the dance, taking a few steps back from the painting, their head tilted slightly askew, the eyes pulled tight into a squint, or the hand held in front to block off an area from view. The to and fro of action and adjustment, of sense … Weiterlesen