December 17, 2024 Editor’s Note: To make this article as relevant as possible, we have updated it with new and more timely resources that we hope you find helpful. As always, if you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Materials & Applications Specialist team at [email protected]. In any emergency or … Weiterlesen
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many artists lack a dedicated interior location for spraying products, much less using solvents. The logical choice is to move the operation outside. However, spraying out in the open creates new challenges to be addressed, including temperature, wind, rain, and dust.
Januar 2021 haben wir einige Änderungen an den Etiketten aller unserer Acrylfarben (Heavy Body, Fluid, High Flow und OPEN) vorgenommen, um schnell und klar die Informationen bereitzustellen, die für Künstler am wichtigsten sind und um neuen gesetzlichen Bestimmungen zu entsprechen. Eine Umfrage unter mehr als 1.200 Künstlern ergab, dass echte Farbmuster Aufstriche, Lichtechtheit, Deckkraft, Pigment … Weiterlesen
Early in our efforts here to be good stewards of our environment, we had to learn how to deal with our manufacturing waste. We began this business 40 years ago in a barn on the site of my folk’s retirement home. The well they drew water from was only 20 feet away from the barn. … Weiterlesen
Ab und zu erhalten wir E-Mails von Künstlern, die sich erkundigen, ob unsere Farben vegan sind. Das freut uns und wir teilen gerne Informationen, damit sich Künstler mit unseren Produkten wohlfühlen können, ohne Kompromisse bei ihren Prinzipien einzugehen. Um die Diskussion auf dem gleichen Nenner zu beginnen, ist hier eine Definition des Begriffs “vegan” von … Weiterlesen
In our original article, which appeared in Just Paint Issue 4 (October 1996), we discussed the changing regulatory landscape concerning cadmium pigments, the potential for restrictions on their use in artist paints, and the suitability of potential alternative pigments. In this article we describe the process and results of an attempt to ban cadmium in … Weiterlesen
A lot has happened in the ten years since we embraced what we termed “Reality Labeling” on GOLDEN Acrylics, as reported in Issue 8 of Just Paint, published in April of 2001. At that time, we announced our decision to incorporate advice on our labels indicating to the user that “most chemicals are not fully … Weiterlesen
Williamsburg Dry Pigments have recently been evaluated for conformance to ASTM D 4236 and have been appropriately labeled in order to be suitable for household use. The exception is Cadmium pigments, which, due to their potential hazard when inhaled, are now restricted to Professional Use Only, and are not available through stores or available for … Weiterlesen
By Ben Gavett Water, nature’s universal solvent, is the most common and most vital compound on Earth. However, even though water covers the majority of our planet’s surface, the increasing scarcity of potable fresh water is of growing concern in many regions of the world. In addition to nourishment, many other uses compete for … Weiterlesen
A semi-permeable membrane, like the membrane of a cell wall or a bladder, is selective about what it allows to pass through, and what it prevents from passing. These membranes in general pass water very easily because of its small molecular size; but also prevent many other contaminants from passing by trapping them. Water will … Weiterlesen