You would have thought that by now we would have figured out how acrylic paint dries. We’ve taken several stabs at this in our Just Paint #6 and in a paper for the American Institute for Conservation symposium in 2002. Yet we continue to get the pretty obvious question, “So how long will it take for my paint to dry?” As you know, the answer we’ve committed to is… “It depends.” Both Michael Townsend in his article, “Investigating the Drying Process of Acrylic Color and Gel Medium,” and Ulysses Jackson in his piece titled “Understanding and Controlling Acrylic Drying Time” give a more articulate answer to this vexing issue for acrylic painters. (For those who skip to the end of a story, the answer is still “It depends, but you knew that!”)
In “The Color Graveyard,” Dana Rice shares reasons why we lose colors and either wind up finding replacements for them or continue to pout with the rest of you when we’re not successful.
If you haven’t heard of our new tool for color mixing, the GOLDEN Virtual Paint Mixer, you’re in for a treat! This is a breakthrough application from our IT Magician, Jeff Jones, in collaboration with Creative Director, Chris Farrell. Chris, in “GOLDEN Virtual Paint Mixer: Odyssey of Perspectives,” walks you through our journey into color space. You will have to try it.
We’ve included the announcement of our new show by Knox Martin, “SHE,” showing at The SAGG from Oct. 6th – Apr. 6, 2013. We’re thrilled to have this powerful artist’s work here.
We are pleased to have Jodi O’Dell share the exciting news about our BCA 10 Award from Americans for the Arts.
Finally, the Golden Foundation Artist Residence Program is a reality. It couldn’t be more exciting to see this dream come true as the walls begin to fill up with paint.
Mark Golden

About Mark Golden
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