As a child, did you ever wonder what your parents did every day at work? Where exactly were they going each morning and what could they possibly do for 8 hours every single day? Who were these people and projects they talked about at the dinner table every night? Didn’t you wish you could just spend one day with them at work getting all your questions answered?
In October, Golden Artist Colors opened its doors to employees’ families (about 70 children attended) to spend a day learning about what their mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, aunt or uncle do all day long as they produce, market and sell GOLDEN paints for artists all over the world.
In addition to touring the facility and Gallery, along with spending time painting and expressing creativity, many educational activities were held throughout the day and included sessions in several departments, including Production, Filling and Shipping. During these sessions, children learned how paint is made, how it gets dispensed into different containers and finally, how it gets boxed up and shipped out the door! There was also time just to enjoy each other’s company creating balloon animals and learning about animals from a traveling zoo!
“Kids Day is a way for employees to share what they do at GOLDEN with their families,” said Mark Golden. “I was always so excited when I got to spend time at the Bocour factory in Manhattan with my Dad. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to learn together and try to break down the mystery for our children of the special things we do here at GOLDEN.”

About Jodi O'Dell
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