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New Testing Results of OPEN Acrylics

3 thoughts on “New Testing Results of OPEN Acrylics”

  1. After years of trying to adjust to heavy body acrylic paint’s characteristics (from oil), I would like your advice regarding the use of OPEN mediums and thinners to convert them to OPEN’s characteristics. I long for the consistency of “butter” and “time”. Is there an optimum percentage to mix to produce these results or just trial and error? Your advice is always appreciated.

    • Hello Jerry,

      Thank you for your question. There isn’t a specific ratio that can get you that exact buttery feel, it can be more of a feel and trial and error. We recommend trying the OPEN Gel as it is more of a thicker consistency than the Medium and would preserve more of the “body” of the Heavy Body while imparting more working time. The OPEN Thinner would thin out the consistency a bit and make the Heavy Body more Fluid as you add more in and it is an additive so we recommend additions of around 20% or less as it contains no binder. If you found that these mixtures were still too thin, you may need to add in a thicker Gel, but they would be faster drying. Something like Heavy Gel would bring up the thickness to compensate for any thinning that occurred with the use of OPEN Medium, Gel or Thinner. Keep in mind though that the more products you add the more transparent the color becomes and the more reduced the pigment load will be. Try the OPEN Gel and see if this one suits you. If you have more questions email us at [email protected]




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