Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium at Tate Modern in London

Most of the issues relevant to the conservation of these modern materials is still unclear and needs further investigation. The MPU symposium was intended to take stock of where the research is and where it’s proceeding, to provide conservators with new resources and to eventually provide artists who are concerned

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Modern Paints Uncovered Symposium at Tate Modern in London

(Conversations – Full Transcript) Mark Golden (MG):  “We are delighted to be able to bring together a collaboration that truly bridges our fine arts community.   We hope to provide a summary of where we are today in the discussion of how to care for and treat acrylic painting, especially as

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Golden Foundation Honors Five Artists Working in Paint

  The Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts, Inc. was founded by family members in 1997 for the charitable purpose of fostering innovative artistic expression and the creative process. It is one of the few foundations in the country to focus exclusively on individual professional artists working in

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From Mark Golden

It remains our goal in these pages of Just Paint to create a forum for discussion of some of the most important topics related to modern art materials in contemporary art. In this ongoing effort to stay relevant, we have dedicated this issue primarily to working with digital art. I

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Support Quality

By Mark Golden Golden Artist Colors, Inc. has worked diligently to create a company that we could all be proud of. Our mission, emerging from our conversation with artists, has kept our direction focused: To grow a sustainable company dedicated to creating and sharing the most imaginative and innovative tools

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GAC Products on Inkjet Prints

EDITOR’S NOTE (4/26/23): Please note that Polymer Varnish has been discontinued and replaced with Gloss Waterborne Varnish. You can read more about it here. By Mike Townsend The volume of e-mails and calls to our Technical Support Department reveals a consistent increase in the number of artists incorporating inkjet printing into their

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Paint & Pixels

By Digital Atelier® Artists, Karin Schminke, Dorothy Simpson Krause, Bonny Pierce Lhotka As computers are becoming commonplace in homes and studios, artists are integrating digital processes into their work at an ever-increasing rate. Superior digital editing capabilities encourage creative exploration and give the artist more precise control over the production

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