Barbara J. Schindler

Appointed President of Golden Artist Colors, Inc. Golden Artist Colors, Inc., proudly announces that Barbara J. Schindler, of Hamilton, NY, has been appointed President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the company. This is a new position, reflecting strategies to deepen management resources corresponding to corporate growth in revenues and

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Mural Painting

The many considerations an artist will face when embarking on a mural project may be imperceptible to a casual viewer of these large, often public, artworks. There are many different types of murals and mural applications, and each type presents its own set of challenges. The muralist will want to

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Our Community Responds, Appreciation for GOLDEN Service

Three awards have been bestowed upon Golden Artist Colors in the past month. The awards recognized Golden’s corporate contributions to the Arts, opportunities created by the company within the community, and the outstanding service of the director of the Golden Foundation. The New York State Art Teachers Association notified Mark

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Conservation of Acrylic Paintings

Working with the conservation community we undertook research in conservation issues of acrylic paints and paintings, desiring a formal understanding of something most acrylic painters might take for granted: That if an acrylic painting gets dirty, it can simply be washed off with a damp rag. Just to be clear,

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Sam & Adele Golden Foundation

    Many exciting events are unfolding regarding The Sam & Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts, Inc. Last spring in “Just Paint 8”, we highlighted the recipients of the very first foundation grants. Now we are pleased to announce the launch of the new web site. It features the

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10 Fluid Interference Colors

What’s New! Interference colors, previously only available in heavy body consistency, are now available in a fluid viscosity. Four unique pigments and six popular interference colors from the heavy body line further enhance the extensive color selection of this fine art product category. These versatile colors mix easily with GOLDEN

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Watching Paint Dry – A way of life at Golden Artist Colors

Golden Artist Colors has been actively involved in research in acrylic paint technology and issues in acrylic paintings conservation for over 14 years. We have contributed research on discoloration of acrylic medium and written many articles on the technical properties of acrylic paint and paint formulation. These have included understanding

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