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Painting on Location with QoR Modern Watercolors

8 thoughts on “Painting on Location with QoR Modern Watercolors”

  1. Cathy,
    Your articles and photos are so well done. I really enjoyed your article “Just Six…”, where you point out which way each primary included in the set leans warm or cool, etc. I have been a watercolor artist for years, but will admit that sometimes I have trouble making that warm/cool call within paint. Maybe something is just not tweaked right in my eyeballs! All that said, I see myself as a newborn now, with a virgin QoR 24 set to gauge against a paint cast of many. (Quite looking forward to this weekend’s studio dig-in, just to play and mix)! I hope it rains so I don’t feel guilty staying in all day!

    I look forward to reading your archived articles and those to come.
    Happy paint, always,

    • Hello Marla,
      Thank you!. We are very glad you enjoy the articles and find them helpful. And we hope you had a guilt free, successful, and fun painting weekend! When I add a new paint to my palette, I often do initial mixing tests to learn about the paint’s personality. With a new red, for example, I might try mixing it with an orange-leaning yellow, to see what orange the red makes, and with a violet-leaning blue to see the purple it creates. If the new red makes a better orange than violet, the paint is ‘warm’ and biased towards yellow or orange. If the red makes a vibrant purple, it is ‘cool’ and biased to violet. I make notes of the paints used, and keep the tests for future reference. I find experiments like this can be informative. If you wish to explore your paint nerd side in a bit greater depth, “An Artist’s Color Wheel” page in the watercolor section of Bruce MacEvoy’s “Handprint” website might be helpful. This page also contains a link to an image that places pigments around a color wheel, which makes it easier to see them in relation to the primary and secondary colors. The pigments within a paint are listed on the tube, through abbreviations like “PB29” (Pigment Blue 29, or Ultramarine Blue). We hope this is helpful. And remember, we are only a telephone call away (1-800-959-6543) when you have questions!
      Happy painting,

    • Hello, thank you for your question. We think you might mean the Cloverleaf palette. Their website address may be found here. If for some reason the link does not work, an internet search for “cloverleaf watercolor palette” should bring up photos and sources. The version shown in the photo does not have removable half pans, so is best for a permanent range of colors. We hope this is helpful, and we wish you happy painting! Cathy

  2. Just painted plein air for the first time this weekend. The days are long, and I was taking a professional class near many beautiful places. I like the pigments you suggest, as there were very bright greens in the landscape I didn’t capture with an azo yellow, even though I did have a genuine manganese blue in the palette. The one thing I’d add to the supply list is clips to hold the sketchbook open although you did mention these in passing. The thing I forgot was a brimmed hat, but other than that my painting kit is very functional and I look forward to more painting!


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