Welcome to the 35th edition of our Just Paint newsletter. We have made significant upgrades on JustPaint.org to offer much more rapid updates to our technical resources for artists. Instead of waiting for the semi-annual Just Paint print edition, we now offer monthly articles online. Our annual print edition (also available digitally) will continue to offer significantly more in-depth articles covering our research and activities.
The first article is by Sarah Sands, Senior Technical Specialist. Over the last 8 years, since our acquisition of Williamsburg Handmade Oils, we have conducted our own research as well as consulted with colleagues in art conservation and conservation sciences to gain a better understanding of the role of Zinc White in oil paints. Sarah provides one of the most complete reviews for artists in the complex use of this historic color. This is a must read for oil painters!
Ulysses Jackson, Formulator, has been leading a long-term investigation into the lightfastness of several colors. We have been engaged with the ASTM Committee responsible for the quality standards for artist paints in an effort to update the almost 40-year-old research. Ulysses provides an in-depth look at our ‘go to’ Hansa Yellow colors, providing new insights into their permanency and introduces our new Benzimidazolone Yellows.
Greg Watson, Material Application Specialist, shares the launch of 7 new Williamsburg Oils – three warm, highly saturated hues, three transparent earth colors and a light color tint.
We are also delighted to share some of the recent happenings at GOLDEN, including a successful Benefit Auction for the Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts and our continued collaboration with Alliance for Young Artists & Writers for our Scholastic Residency Program.
As always, we welcome your comments!
Warmest regards,