To our old friends and those newly discovering Just Paint, we welcome you. I’m delighted to share our new High Flow Acrylics with you! We’ve worked hard on this product, maintaining qualities artists have enjoyed when using our Airbrush Colors. High Flow Acrylics, our thinnest product line, dramatically extends the range of possibilities beyond Airbrush. Sarah Sands shares innovations that allowed our Technical Director, Jim Hayes, to develop this paint, while Amy McKinnon and Mike Townsend detail the many applications this new addition to our acrylic system offers. I’m sure as you use these paints, even more options will be discovered!
In Just Paint 28, we committed to dedicating the next several issues to explore various substrates used by artists in their work. In Just Paint 29 we asked two materials specialists to share their insights and years of research into understanding solid and hardboard panels. Elaine Salazar, President of Ampersand Art Supply has provided us a thoughtful technical examination of these solid supports in her article, “Understanding Wood Supports for Art”. Elaine has worked tirelessly to develop the most extensive range for artists, and in doing so has become a preeminent expert in the area of wood supports.
In “Plywood as a Substrate for Painting,” noted author and educator, Mark D. Gottsegen provides expertise gained over 3 decades of teaching, writing and lecturing on art materials. Through Mark’s website, AMIEN, a non-profit professional resource for artists, Mark has consulted with thousands of artists on the proper use of materials. Mark’s book, The Painter’s Handbook, continues to be an important art materials resource.
I hope this issue provides valuable insights into the nature of art materials. I want to thank so many of you who have shared your comments about the value that our newsletter brings. It remains a passion for so many of us here who delight in the process and sharing of creative discovery.
Mark Golden

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