An assortment of masking and low-tack painter's tapes.

Oil Paint, Tape, and Some Very Curious Results

Painter’s tapes are ubiquitous, ranging from traditional masking tapes to newer yellow, blue, and green ones that tout different levels of tack and easy release, or highlight new technologies to tightly lock down an edge. For many of us, they have also become part of the common materials found in

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Introducing New GOLDEN Heavy Body Light Value Colors

  We are pleased to announce seven new additions to the GOLDEN Heavy Body Acrylics line. This latest offering of balanced mixtures are created using lightfast pigments from our Exterior Mural list, which are then tinted with Titanium White to create convenience colors. Although relatively simple blends, they can be

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The GOLDEN QoR Mini Travel Set

The QoR mini Half Pan Travel Set and Color Mixing

Introduction: If you seek an easy way to take watercolors on plein air painting adventures, the QoR mini with its half pans of luscious watercolors is awaiting your brush!  The QoR mini is a travel set that provides twelve half pans of dry QoR Modern Watercolor paints in a small closeable metal palette

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From Mark Golden

Welcome to the 35th edition of our Just Paint newsletter. We have made significant upgrades on to offer much more rapid updates to our technical resources for artists. Instead of waiting for the semi-annual Just Paint print edition, we now offer monthly articles online. Our annual print edition (also

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Featured Image for Zinc Oxide Reviewing the Research

Zinc Oxide – Reviewing the Research

Introduction This article is a companion piece to Zinc Oxide – Warnings Cautions and Best Practices, published in our print newsletter, Just Paint, Issue 35, as well as our FAQs Concerning Zinc Oxide (PW 4) in Oil Paints From the start zinc oxide has lived a double life – at turns celebrated and

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Featured Image for Zinc FAQ

Zinc Oxide: FAQ

FAQs Concerning Zinc Oxide (PW 4) in Oil Paints PDF version: Zinc Oxide FAQ INDEX Zinc Oxide’s Use in the Past When did artists start using Zinc White? Why was Zinc used? What did it offer? Are older paintings containing Zinc Oxide falling apart? Why do some older paintings still look

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Featured Image for “Scholastic Educator Residency Fosters Experimentation” is locked Scholastic Educator Residency

Scholastic Educator Residency Fosters Experimentation

Now in its fifth year of collaboration, Golden Artist Colors has again partnered with the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards to celebrate educators across America who support and encourage the creative process! Lucy Harackiewicz from Westwood, MA; Elizabeth Stainton from New York, NY; and Rebecca Buchanan from Hillsboro, OR joined

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Golden Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Art Auction Benefit

“Neither snow nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night…….” In 1992, when the town of Columbus, NY, the oldest town in the US (named after Christopher Columbus), was asked how they would be celebrating the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s arrival in America, Golden Artist Colors with support from the

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