Technical Forum Q&A

At Golden Artist Colors we want to know what artists are doing and dreaming of trying with our products; and we want to be responsive to inquiries about the technical characteristics of the product. Our commitment is to offer qualified expertise via artists and paint systems specialists who are familiar

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Watching Paint Dry – A way of life at Golden Artist Colors

Golden Artist Colors has been actively involved in research in acrylic paint technology and issues in acrylic paintings conservation for over 14 years. We have contributed research on discoloration of acrylic medium and written many articles on the technical properties of acrylic paint and paint formulation. These have included understanding

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Invitation Accepted Invitation Extended

Being invited into the creative process by some of the most talented visual artists in the world is a true honor. GOLDEN takes this honor and commitment very seriously: to produce materials that can to the best of our ability, assure the lasting legacy of each artist who uses our

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Sam & Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts, Inc.

As an enduring gesture to the memory of Sam and Adele Golden and their intricate relationship to the community of artists who skirt the boundaries of contemporary painting, The Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts was established three years ago. The mission of the Foundation is to become

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GOLDEN Plays Supporting Role in “Pollock” the Movie

  For Golden Artist Colors, involvement in the making of the new film Pollock, which portrays the life of Jackson Pollock, was more than paint manufacturing. Delving into the life of an influential artist as paint formulators presented challenges beyond our usual custom work. Research of both the materials used

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Label Update – New Health & Safety Format

A new Health & Safety format will soon begin to appear on GOLDEN labels. This year, we will be phasing out the use of the ACMI AP and HL Seals on our labels and putting a finer edge to the wording in the section on Health & Safety advice. We

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GOLDEN Custom Labs

Golden Artists Colors Custom Lab is the only facility of its kind dedicated to designing products to desired specifications for individual artists. The ability to make products to meet artists’ criteria has been a central concern of the Company since its inception. In fact, this was the model that Leonard

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Dynamic Partners

In the Art Materials Industry, Steve Steinberg of New York Central, in Manhattan and Gil McMillon of Accent Art, in Palo Alto, CA, have been among the most influential champions in the development of custom materials for artists. Their strong relationships with artists and passion for art materials have accounted

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GOLDEN Acrylic Glazing Liquid

GOLDEN Acrylic Glazing Liquid is a 100% acrylic polymer emulsion-based painting medium. Many artists who desire longer working time have enjoyed the benefits of this product. This simple blend of acrylic polymers, water, and retarder is complemented with a perfect combination of leveling and an ability to show brush texture.

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Golden Artist Colors 20th Gala Celebration

Golden Artist Colors, Inc. celebrated its 20th year in business on September 1st and 2nd right here in Upstate New York. The event began with a Benefit Gala for the newly created Sam & Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts. It was held at the beautiful Fenimore Cooper (“Last of

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