First the bad news:
We have been forced to discontinue our most venerable color, a color we introduced to the marketplace, and one that soon became our signature color – Quinacridone Gold. The pigment manufacturer will no longer support the required pigment, and despite an exhaustive search, there is simply no other source to be found.
Now the good news:
Through a vigilant effort, the GOLDEN Lab, led by fearless director Jim Hayes, has created a well-matched solution to the original Quinacridone Gold. By blending a Quinacridone Gold Red Shade with Nickel Azo, the new blend called Quinacridone/Nickel Azo Gold achieves the wonderful characteristics of the original Quinacridone Gold, including a warm yellow-gold quality in the undertone as well as a tight tint. Golden Artist Colors, Inc. is excited about the new formula and we hope you too will delight in its rich qualities. Watch for Quinacridone/Nickel Azo Gold in stores now. Samples of the new color are available upon request through Customer Service. For questions or assistance on specific projects, please contact Tech Support at [email protected] or 800-959-6543/ 607-847-6154 Mon. – Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST.

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When can you make quanacradone nickel affordable?
Hello, Joann.
Thank you for your question.
We will not be able to make Quinacridone/Nickel Azo Gold any longer. There will be a new replacement hue for sale in the Spring. However, you can lower the cost of acrylic paints by using an extending medium. For Heavy Body Acrylics, it would be Regular Gel. For the Fluid Acrylics, the GAC 500, Gloss Medium, or Fluid Matte Medium depending on the desired sheen and leveling ability. For High Flow, it would be our High Flow Medium.
– Mike