Introduction In 2024 we introduced 13 pigment-containing watercolors to the QoR line and 8 Interference and Iridescent paints. We wanted a way to share the potential of these new colors with you in a manner that suggests what it might be like to have one or more on your palette. To provide this information, we … Read more
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During a 2011 interview with the British newspaper The Guardian, contemporary British painter George Thomas Shaw described Payne’s Gray as “the color of English rain” (1). This simple characterization delineates the essence of a color that nearly every painter knows. And yet, most artists could not tell you who William Payne was or what pigments … Read more
We found a version of QoR Quinacridone Red’s PV19 pigment that creates a watercolor with a stronger tint strength and will begin using it in place of the older option. QoR Quinacridone Red remains Lightfast I, transparent, non-granulating, and staining. The two paints handle and behave well. Both versions of QoR Quinacridone Red are alike … Read more
Introduction: If you seek an easy way to take watercolors on plein air painting adventures, the QoR mini with its half pans of luscious watercolors is awaiting your brush! The QoR mini is a travel set that provides twelve half pans of dry QoR Modern Watercolor paints in a small closeable metal palette ready for on-site or studio … Read more