Most of the issues relevant to the conservation of these modern materials is still unclear and needs further investigation. The MPU symposium was intended to take stock of where the research is and where it’s proceeding, to provide conservators with new resources and to eventually provide artists who are concerned with the longevity of their … Read more
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From time to time – I know you may be surprised to hear this – we’ve been accused of being just slightly too technical in our Just Paint. In an effort to be accurate we have sacrificed some potential readership. Others have simply shared with us that they’ve been able to replace their sleeping aids … Read more
(Conversations – Full Transcript) Mark Golden (MG): “We are delighted to be able to bring together a collaboration that truly bridges our fine arts community. We hope to provide a summary of where we are today in the discussion of how to care for and treat acrylic painting, especially as we’ve just finished a milestone … Read more
We are proud at Golden Artist Colors, Inc. to be toolmakers for some of the most talented visual artists in the world. We have worked hard to produce innovative and imaginative tools for artists dedicated to preserving the legacy of our times. Our goal has been that by simply listening to artists and providing tools … Read more
In 2003, Dr. Gregory Smith began his tenure as the first Samuel Golden Research Fellow at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. The project collaborators – Golden Artist Colors, Inc., the National Gallery of Art, Tate in London, and the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles – were tasked with examining the effects … Read more
Professor Frank N. Jones Coatings Research Institute Eastern Michigan University This article will compare acrylic and oil artist paints from the point of view of a scientist who specializes in coatings. It is not meant to be the “end-all” source on the topic. However, it is meant to make the reader more informed … Read more
Working with the conservation community we undertook research in conservation issues of acrylic paints and paintings, desiring a formal understanding of something most acrylic painters might take for granted: That if an acrylic painting gets dirty, it can simply be washed off with a damp rag. Just to be clear, we are not currently recommending … Read more
In August 2001, the Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education (SCMRE) in conjunction with the traveling exhibit “Santos: Substance & Soul,” presented a 4 day seminar cosponsored by the Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives, College of Santa Fe, the National Hispanic Cultural Center, and the Museum of Spanish Colonial Art. As part of a … Read more
Golden Artist Colors has been actively involved in research in acrylic paint technology and issues in acrylic paintings conservation for over 14 years. We have contributed research on discoloration of acrylic medium and written many articles on the technical properties of acrylic paint and paint formulation. These have included understanding the drying process of acrylics, … Read more
When Sam died unexpectedly, on March 11, 1997, at the age of 82, the art world lost an extraordinary friend. Sam described his work as just simply “making tools” for artists, but those who knew him understood a great deal more went on within this inventor, entrepreneur and paint maker. He had an incredible creative … Read more