Every once in a while we receive inquiries from artists who use our products with Masterson Sta-Wet Palettes, a sealable palette system that keeps acrylic paints workable for days or even weeks by utilizing a wet sponge and permeable palette paper. Some of these artists shared that certain GOLDEN Artist Acrylic colors were changing consistency … Read more
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Fabric painting using your acrylic paints and GOLDEN GAC 900 are great for creating wearable artwork. Lean what products to use for your favorite techniques.
Tape is an immensely useful tool for artists and designers. It is a go-to option when masking off areas of a painting or establishing the layout of a design. Masking tapes and painter’s tapes are uniquely designed to offer low tack adhesion and easy release, making them perfect for these applications. That being said, some … Read more
If you’ve ever sanded Gesso or other acrylic products and ended up with rubbery bits and had to throw out sheets and sheets of sandpaper and less than excellent results, then you should try WET SANDING! Wet sanding is the most effective way to sand acrylics. Adding water to the process lubricates the surface to … Read more

Imagine if you will, the scene: the artist in their studio, clothing covered in paint, standing above, next to or on top of canvas laid upon the floor, fully animated and wild broad gestures halted by short deliberate movements; using their whole body to fill the enormity of the painting surface and capturing the physical … Read more
many artists lack a dedicated interior location for spraying products, much less using solvents. The logical choice is to move the operation outside. However, spraying out in the open creates new challenges to be addressed, including temperature, wind, rain, and dust.
Michael Townsend What is Marbling? “Marbling” is the time-honored artist technique where thinned paints are placed onto a thickened “bath” usually made from carrageenan or methylcellulose. The paints float on the surface of the bath and can be manipulated into beautiful and intricate designs, then printed onto paper, fabric, or another material prepared with a … Read more
Over the years we have seen increasing interest in matte paints, especially those thin enough to create a smooth, brushstroke-free finish. While we have had a few matte paint lines in the past, none of these truly matched the performance properties that were desired by artists. Thus we set out to make a better matte … Read more
With the advent of new composite materials, artists today are able to take advantage of lightweight, dimensionally stable supports that offer a smoothness unattainable through traditional surface preparation. These “modern” substrates require little to no preparation, come in a variety of thicknesses and can range from transparent and glossy to matte and opaque. Many of these supports … Read more
Introduction The creation of a mural should begin long before ladders, scaffolding, and cherry-pickers are on site. Although we have amassed extensive information about mural painting, the conversation about how to go about estimating products could use some expansion. When preparing to paint a mural, the creation of a maquette helps ensure the appropriate amount … Read more