The Golden Virtual Paint Mixer (MXR) has been used by color enthusiasts to learn about GOLDEN Acrylics for more than 10 years. During that time, feedback from artists has helped us to improve the tool to be more accurate and useful in the studio. With these goals in mind, we have upgraded the MXR yet … Read more
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Greg Watson
If you’ve ever sanded Gesso or other acrylic products and ended up with rubbery bits and had to throw out sheets and sheets of sandpaper and less than excellent results, then you should try WET SANDING! Wet sanding is the most effective way to sand acrylics. Adding water to the process lubricates the surface to … Read more
We have been asked many times over the years to provide oil content information for Williamsburg colors, Extender Medium and Oil Grounds. To answer that request, we have created a chart organizing these products into four categories – Low, Moderate, Medium, and High oil content by volume. We have chosen oil content by volume, because … Read more
Many acrylic artists paint on glass at some point in their career, either for fun or as a serious part of their practice. While there are commercially available bonding primers designed to prepare glass for painting, some artists want a crystal clear product that can be used as a primer or added to their paint … Read more
Neither Warm Nor Cool Positioned between red, yellow and blue, is gray. And sometimes gray is the exact color needed to compliment higher chroma pigments on the palette. Grays can be used to desaturate colors while maintaining or shifting their value, the relative degree of lightness or darkness. They can also be used to create … Read more
Introduction For some time, our recommendation for artists using oils over acrylic has been to work over harder, matte acrylic surfaces and avoid working on softer gels and gloss products. Our intention was to optimize the level of adhesion that would be achieved on a toothier surface as well as avoid the potential for future … Read more
Editor’s Note: Added April 26, 2022 For some time, our recommendation for artists using oils over acrylic has been to work over harder, matte acrylic surfaces and avoid working on softer gels and gloss products. Our intention was to optimize the level of adhesion that would be achieved on a toothier surface as well as … Read more
Starting in January 2021, We are making a few changes to the labels on all of our acrylic color lines (Heavy Body, Fluid, High Flow and OPEN) to quickly and clearly provide the information that is most important to artists and to comply with a changing regulatory landscape. A survey of over 1,200 artists indicated … Read more
This article provides some initial testing focused on how well oil paints adhere to several non-porous surfaces without any ground preparation
White is often thought to be as much as 20% of a typical painting. Used for grounds, for opacifying, for lightening or brightening deep colors, its importance cannot be overlooked. Not only is it a critical component coloristically, but understanding the whites in your oil painting will also aid the structural integrity of your … Read more