Starting in January 2021, We are making a few changes to the labels on all of our acrylic color lines (Heavy Body, Fluid, High Flow and OPEN) to quickly and clearly provide the information that is most important to artists and to comply with a changing regulatory landscape.
A survey of over 1,200 artists indicated that the color swatch, lightfastness, opacity, pigment Color Index Name and Chemical Description are the top 5 most important pieces of information artists look for on labels. We’ve highlighted our hand-painted color swatch by opening up some space around it, and by placing it between the GOLDEN logo and color name on all color lines and sizes. Opacity, Lightfastness, and pigment Color Index Name are now larger and located together on the front of the label so artists can quickly find this information. A sunburst symbol is used for easy identification of lightfastness information, and we have implemented the opacity symbol used on our QoR® Watercolors and Williamsburg Handmade Oil Colors, which is commonly used by other artist paint manufacturers. Unfortunately, due to limited space on the back of our tubes and containers, we were unable to keep the slider bars which indicated gloss rating, viscosity and tinting strength.
In support of our global customer base, we have historically maintained two item numbers for every product we make – one with labeling in English only, and one with labeling in English, French and Spanish. With this label update, we will move to a single item number for each product with labeling in English and French. Moving to a single number for each item will help us manage inventory and maintain service levels to all of our customers.
Lastly, European regulations now require that we label our products with the type of preservative they contain, along with the statement “May cause an allergic reaction”. Preservatives are critical in waterborne paints, as they prevent the growth of microbial elements that can foul paint. These warnings will be printed on the back side of our 2oz. and 5oz. tubes and on the back of the label for products sold in jars and bottles.
Please see the image below for an example of the new label. New labels will start to appear on product shipped January 2021. If you have any questions please email [email protected] or call 607-847-6154 or 800-959-6543.

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