As part of the Custom Lab’s continued efforts to increase experimentation with new materials, we are pleased to share with you some of the products we have recently developed. As these are experimental products, availability may require longer lead times. As part of the GOLDEN Technical Support Services team, I have reviewed these new products … Weiterlesen
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Available for this winter season only, this set of three fantastic blues is sure to pique your curiosity, especially if you’re looking for the fundamentals of blue, with a slight twist. Included in the set: Anthraquinone Blue Smalt Hue Cerulean Blue Deep Available at your favorite art supply retailer. For more information about the Uncommon … Weiterlesen

With a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor, ASTM members often declare that its well-known acronym actually stands for “Awfully Slow and Tedious Method,” and if gauged simply from the standpoint of the time it takes to complete a Standard, one can see their point. The ASTM Standard for Acrylic Dispersion Grounds started 7 years ago, … Weiterlesen

With thousands of hours of paint research all on one page and almost one thousand swatches of color, it’s now easier than ever to see the full range of GOLDEN colors. Having comparative information for each one as they transform through tint and glaze mixing on a 26″ tall by 39″ wide poster, makes this … Weiterlesen
Es läuft immer auf eine Form von Spannung und Dehnung hinaus. Beinahe alles an einem Ölgemälde quillt auf oder zieht sich zusammen, wird steif oder flüssig, je nach Umgebung und physischer Behandlung. Dass der Grad und der Charakter dieser Veränderungen sich selbst mit der Zeit verändern, da die verschiedenen Materialien ihre eigenen internen Alterungsprozesse durchlaufen, … Weiterlesen

Updated February 17, 2023 to ensure product accessibility accuracy. Make a mark, erase it? Can you? Is it permanent? Will it remain with stubborn pride? Will it all wipe away except for a stain that tells of its past? Will it disappear as if it had never been there? Was it ever there? Will it … Weiterlesen
These products are truly unique so we’re extremely pleased with how quickly the artist community has embraced this new innovation in acrylic paint. They are like no other acrylic product and this has dramatically increased the range of options now available to painters.It was just over two years ago that OPEN Acrylics was launched. Unimaginable … Weiterlesen
It is hard to believe that when Golden Artist Colors made its debut in 1980 no brand of acrylic had more than one gel medium, one polymer medium, one matte medium and a molding (or modeling) paste. It was from the needs of artists that GOLDEN Acrylics’ list of mediums expanded to over 46 products … Weiterlesen

The acrylic medium for artists has now passed its 60th year since the first artists experimented and created with Bocour’s Magna®. I have been imagining and conjecturing with others for some time now what these materials might look like one hundred, five hundred or a thousand years from now. A significant body of evidence is … Weiterlesen
By: Michael Townsend The GOLDEN Digital Grounds, Gel Mediums and Archival Spray Varnishes have created options that will feel very familiar to photographers and are creating a platform for new alternatives for hands-on control of the final image. Many photographers have in the past been able to use the darkroom as an additional stage for … Weiterlesen